Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » MODELS OF BEHAVIOUR CHANGE According to Berelson and Steiner (1964) human behaviour is far more variable and therefore less predictable. The range of behaviour available to any given man, as well as the...

The relationship between personal and farm characteristics and production efficiency

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY In Lesotho, a predominantly small scale farming country, the average yield for maize is about 0.5tons/ha whilst the national average in South Africa is 2.73 tons/ha all very much...

Agricultural intensity and the trade-off between production and biodiversity

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Two mutually dependent objectives About 40% of the global land area is currently dedicated to agriculture (Ramankutty et al., 2008). It represents a substantial area of semi-natural habitat for wildlife species that cannot...

Water use efficiency at different integration scales

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Poplar hybrids Spontaneous hybrids have been used in commercial culture for several decades. In addition to that, geneticists bred hybrids that were deployed in poplar cultivation throughout the world. The most common of...

Two opposing theories how metabolic rate affects life  span and ROS production

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Two opposing theories how metabolic rate affects life span and ROS production ”Rate of living” and ”Uncoupling to survive” are tw o different, completely contrary predictions linking energy metabolism and aging. Both theories...

Nitrogen Uptake Efficiency, mediated by fine root growth, early determines variations in Nitrogen Use Efficiency of rapseed

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Research strategy and dedicated experimental setup Research strategy We chose an approach combining experimental field-like phenotyping and model-assisted phenotyping. N-use efficiency is usually measured as a crop balance at harvest: specifically, the ratio...

Vapour pressure deficit during growth does not affect the ranking of Populus nigra genotypes for transpiration efficiency at leaf as well as at whole tree level

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » density (SD) A general PCA was performed with the 15 measured traits (Fig. 7). The main plane of the PCA (F1 × F2) explained 56.9% of the overall variability, with 29.1% for F1...

Greenhouse gas emissions and efficiency in French sheep meat farming: a comparison of pollution-generating technologies in non-parametric modelling

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Modelling pollution-generating technologies in performance benchmarking: Recent developments, limits and future prospects in the non-parametric framework Externalities or spillovers arise in the presence of market failures where some actions of a group of...

Intensity and scale effects for environmental impacts of French and Brazilian poultry production scenarios: an LCA approach

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » BRAZILIAN AND FRENCH POULTRY INDUSTRIES: GLOBALIZATION APPROACH Agriculture contributes to the development and maintenance of rural areas both in Europe and in emerging countries (van der Werf and Petit, 2002). In this context,...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Batch mode cultures This type of culture is large used in the industry to guarantee a pure culture (Dochain, 2003). Batch cultures are mainly used to evaluate the growth of microorganisms on different...