The Dutch Disease Revisited: Theory and Evidence 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The Dutch Disease Revisited: Theory and Evidence Contrary to empirical evidence, the Dutch disease hypothesis, driven by Learning By Doing (LBD), does not predict the steady-state real exchange rate appreciation and economic growth...

Setting of the Research in the Risk Perception/Risk Preference Paradigm

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Background This document investigated the research question whether individual value systems and risk propensities have an influence on decision-making quality in value clashing circumstances, and how it can it be addressed. It delved...

The stylized facts of the resource curse

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The stylized facts of the resource curse Although some countries have well harnessed their resource wealth to expand their economies faster, most of them have experienced bad macroeconomic performance. A useful starting point...