Trie intermediate ADFA

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Time and space performance

From Chapter 5, procedure add_wordN 0 takes O(jwj) time and space when adding word w. Using a clever coding of eq0, an invocation visit_min0(s, « ,w) also takes O(jwj) time and space — see [WD03]. It follows that add_wordI can also be implemented in O(jwj) time and space.
There are three relatively easy improvements:
1. Given Property 2.70, we can use invocation visit_min0((s, head(w)), head(w), tail(w)) when w 6= « .
2. While adding w with add_wordN 0, we already traverse path [s w ;] and need not compute it anew within visit_min0.
3. Another minor improvement can be made in the invocation of add_wordN 0: we need not create new states if they will subsequently be merged by visit_min0. This approach, which is used in practice, requires some additional book-keeping, and has been presented in [Wat03b Wat01d].

Avoiding cloning while adding words

Performance profiling of an implementation of the algorithm presented in Chapter 6, shows that most of the execution time is spent on two operations:
1. Cloning confluence states.
2. Merging states found to be equivalent. (Creating new states is a cheap operation in practice.) While the merging operation is generally unavoidable in constructing a MADFA, in the subsequent chapters, we focus on a performance improvement by eliminating cloning. Cloning is only applied to confluence states. In those chapters, the structural invariants and the word-orders will be chosen in such a way that the preconditions of the add_word variants are strengthenings of Con _free([s w ;]) when adding word w.
As a result, the body of each add_word variant will use add_wordT (from Chapter 4), followed by further operations to restore the appropriate structural invariant and prepare for the next word to be added.

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Time and space performance

Sorting the words requires up to O(jWj log jWj) space and time; this is typically not taken into account in the MADFA construction time as W can be kept sorted in real-life applications. From Chapter 4, procedure add_wordT is time and space linear in the length of the word being added. As noted in Chapter 6, visit_min can be implemented to take linear time and space. It follows that add_wordS and cleanupS are linear in the total lengths of the words.

1 Introduction 
1.1 Problem statement
1.2 To the reader
1.3 Related work and a short history
1.4 Links to the literature
1.5 Future work
2 Preliminaries 
2.1 General definitions
2.2 Algorithm presentation
2.3 Strings and languages
2.4 Automata
2.5 Minimality of automata
3 A MADFA-construction skeleton 
3.1 Specific instantiations
3.2 Commentary
4 Trie intermediate ADFA 
4.1 Procedure add_wordT
4.2 Procedure cleanupT
4.3 An example
4.4 Time and space performance
4.5 Commentary
5 Arbitrary intermediate ADFA 
5.1 Procedure add_wordN
5.2 Procedure cleanupN
5.3 Time and space performance
5.4 Commentary
6 Minimal intermediate ADFA 
6.1 Procedure add_wordI
6.2 Procedure cleanupI
6.3 An example
6.4 Time and space performance
6.5 Commentary
7 Reversed trie intermediate ADFA 
7.1 Procedure add_wordR
7.2 Procedure cleanupR
7.3 An example
7.4 Time and space performance
7.5 Commentary
8 Avoiding cloning while adding words
9 Words in lexicographic order 
9.1 Procedure add_wordS
9.2 Procedure cleanupS
9.3 An example
9.4 Time and space performance
9.5 Commentary
10 Minimizing depth layers 
10.1 Procedure add_wordD
10.2 Procedure cleanupD
10.3 An example
10.4 Time and space performance
10.5 Commentary
11 Minimizing semi-incrementally 83
11.1 Procedure add_wordW
11.2 Procedure cleanupW
11.3 An example
11.4 Time and space performance
11.5 Commentary


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