Digital Forensics

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The advents of Information Technology (IT), the pervasiveness of the internet and numerous revolutionary innovations have had an influence on the way we operate in our daily lives. Furthermore, the impact of these phenomena has been felt widely in our societies because of the manner in which information is disseminated. Communications have been revolutionised through the creation of an interactive global network among organisations, governments, businesses, the military establishment, health institutions and sporting events, while vast investment opportunities have further enabled a seamless communication between Information Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructures. These significant technologydriven changes have also created new working patterns by transforming our day-to-day operations. New and ever-changing structures have influenced effective communication and created mechanisms for storing, manipulating and distributing information worldwide through the internet.
As a result of these advancements, modern computer networks are built on cloud infrastructures because cloud computing enables users to have an unprecedented ability in regard to how their data is being handled due to its vast resources. Moreover, the cloud has been preferred by many organisations because of its ability to operate in a virtual environment, provide Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA), support multi-tenancy architectures, reduce IT expenditures, reduce administration overhead costs and improve scalability (Kebande & Venter, 2015). Additionally, the development of cloud technology has facilitated numerous cloud-based innovations focusing on education without barriers, where access to data is not limited. Besides, cloud technology has seen the use of shared resources and steered major developments in sectors like banking, agriculture, science, engineering and healthcare. Due to the presence of shared resources and services in this environment, maintaining the security of vendors and consumers is of great importance (Ramgovind, Eloff & Smith, 2010).
At the same time that these technologies have become prevalent, the threat landscape has also evolved tremendously. Numerous significant concerns have been voiced regarding the increase in security-related incidents. This has resulted mainly from the fact that operations  and services provided over the cloud cannot be handled in conventional ways (Chambers, 2009). In some instances, security incidents go as unforeseen catastrophes, which mean that organisations can be compromised if the necessary measures are not in place to help in mitigating the effects of potential security risks. Such risks have unfortunately occurred because of the inability of organisations to prevent, detect and report security incidents. For example, the European Agency for Network and Information Technology (ENISA) published a cyber-security strategy that focuses mainly on how to prevent attacks that are channelled over networks and information systems, and how to prevent large-scale failures (ENISA, 2013). The main reason for publishing this strategy was to ensure compliance by businesses that provide critical services about how they should report security incidents. Therefore, since cyber-security incident detection is an important part of Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP), it should be given priority by organisations to avert or prevent large-scale failures.

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Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.3 Motivation
1.4 Research Objectives
1.5 Methodology
1.6 Thesis Layout
1.7 Conclusion
Chapter 2: Digital Forensics
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Forensics as a Science
2.3 Definition of Digital Forensics
2.4 Digital Evidence
2.5 Legal Requirements for Admissibility of Digital Evidence
2.6 Digital Forensic Investigations
2.7 Digital Forensic Investigation Process
2.8 Digital Forensic Investigation Process Models
2.9 Digital Forensic Readiness
2.10 Digital Forensic Readiness Process Class
2.11 Digital Forensic Readiness Process Group
2.12 Cost Benefits of DFR in an Organisation
2.13 Conclusion
Chapter 3: Concepts of Cloud Computing
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Defining Cloud Computing
3.3 Cloud Computing Architecture
3.4 Cloud Computing Service Models
3.5 Cloud Deployable Models
3.6 Role of Cloud Service Provider
3.8 Adoption of Digital Forensics Readiness in the Cloud
3.9 Digital Forensic Evidence Collection from the Cloud
3.10 Conclusion
Chapter 4: Botnets 
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Definition of a Botnet
4.3 Life-Cycle of a Botnet
4.4 Anatomy of Botnets
4.5 Botnet Control and Administration
4.6 Usage of Botnets
4.7 Botnet as Cloud Attack Vector
4.8 Conclusion
Chapter 5: Requirements of a Cloud Forensic Readiness Service Mode
Chapter 6: Hypothetical Case Scenarios 
Chapter 7: Cloud Forensic Readiness as a Service (CFRaaS) Model 
Chapter 8: CFRaaS Prototype Design 
Chapter 9: CFRaaS Prototype Implementation 
Chapter 10: Critical Evaluation of Research Study
Chapter 11: Conclusion


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