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Company Overview

Nexans company is located in Grimsas, Sweden. They work with Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and local markets in Sweden. In the automobile sector they sell to Volvo. They produce cables for utility that is telecom cables, fiber cables. They have their headquarters in Paris, France. They have around 18 factory in France and around 6
factory in Germany. They use EDI and their 50 percent of the order comes through using EDI.The company used different ERP systems since 1994. In 2006, they implemented MS Dynamics. During February 2011, they upgraded the system.
We conducted an interview with the IT Manager Kant Halldén who is responsible for quality, environment and developing and maintaining IT support processes on 10th may 2011 at 9.30 a.m. in the office of Nexans, Grimsas, Sweden. He is working in Nexans since 1986.

Interview Findings Business Process

They have an operating system that develop and market their products. They make products known to their customers through fairs, newspapers and sometimes one on one contact with customers. Their major market concentration is in Finland, Denmark and Sweden. This department makes use of business intelligence for marketing analysis.

Marketing Sales Delivery (CRM support) (ERP)

The sales department manages and sells their products. In this department they go around to source for customer and makes agreement base on a long or short term goal example agreement could be made to make a supply of 20,000 meters or 40,000 meters of cables during a certain period of time. This department is being supported by Microsoft dynamics customer relationship management (CRM) which makes all the necessary agreement, quotations and calculations. After which the customer comes to the delivery department and place an order.
The delivery department ensures products get to the final consumer and it is very large. Under the delivery department they have the following processes:
 Planning
 Sourcing
 Making
 Delivery: The logistic unit is found under the delivery department which is responsible for making products get to customers.
In most cases they buy finish products for delivery. They have a strategy department that is organised by management in the head office which is located in Paris (France) and strategies are centered around to ‘Lead and develop’ while taking care of;
 Budget
 Short term strategy
 Types of product to develop
 Can change the market?
 How is market developing?
There is a long term strategy and a short term strategy (BUDGET). About 50% of their orders come through EDI notification. Short term strategy is concerned with budgeting and it has to do with what kind of product should be develop and how it should be develop, can we go to another market?

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They have trained users which are called key users. These key users undergo special training from the consultants. There are one or two key users in the marketing and order entering unit. These key users in turn train other users on how to use their business solution. One major goal of the training is that other users should be able to understand the different parameters from the ERP. There are thousands of parameters in ERP and this has become a problem for their users to learn. It is also difficult to find a consultant who has a complete knowledge of these parameters and this has posed problem to the users. As a result of these problem it is difficult for the IT and business units to understand each other.

Achieved Benefits

Nexans anticipated the following benefits during the integration of their enterprise system.
 Integration: They had mixed software and old development which need to be better integrated.
 Planning synchronization: They wanted a better way to manage their production planning.

Efficient planning.

 Shorter lead time.
 Lesser inventory.
They have achieved all of the above expectations over a period of time.

1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Problem Discussion
1.3 Research Purpose
1.4 Perspective
1.5 Delimitation
1.6 Definitions
1.7 Thesis Deposition/ Structure
2 Methodology 
2.1 Research approach
2.1.1 Combined Approach
2.2 Research design and data collection .
2.2.1 Exploratory Studies
2.2.2 Research strategy .
2.2.3 Data analysis
3 Frame of reference
3.1 System Integration
3.1.1 Logical Versus Physical integration
3.2 Enterprise System Solutions
3.2.1 Enterprise Resource Planning Software .
3.2.2 ERP role in Business
3.2.3 Benefits and Limitations of ERP ..
3.2.4 ERP and Systems Integration
3.2.5 ERP’s Role in Logical Integration
3.2.6 ERP’s Role in Physical Integration
3.3 Supply chain managemen
3.3.1 Factors affecting supply chain management decisions
3.4 Supply Chain Integration .
3.4.1 Integrating the internal supply chain processes
3.4.2 Supply Chain integration key concepts
3.4.3 Integrating ERP and Supply Chain Management System
3.5 Supply Chain Partnerships
3.5.1 Information Communication .
3.5.2 Types of Supply Chain Partnership .
3.6 Integration enablers for ERP and SCM.
3.6.1 EAI: (Enterprise Application Integration)
3.6.2 Conformity
3.6.3 EDI: (Electronic data interchange)
3.6.4 XML: (Extensible markup language)
4 Empirical Findings
Company Overview
Interview Findings .
4.1.2 Gislaved Folie
Company overview
Interview findings
4.2 Consultant(s) .
4.2.1 Respondent 1: Per Högberg
4.2.2 Respondent 2: Persistent Solutions .
4.2.3 Respondent 3: Systeam AB
5 Analysis
6 Conclusion

Exploring the integration of enterprise systems solutions within a supply chain.

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