Perceptions about Brand Innovativeness

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Perceptions about Brand Loyalty

In the beginning of the interviews, the participants were asked question regarding the topic of brand loyalty. The initial question asked to the participants was what brand loyalty is to them, and how they would define it. All of the participants gave similar answers. They described brand loyalty as continuously choosing one brand over another, being faithful to a particular brand, and always choosing to explore that brand before another.
“For me it’s constantly choosing a specific brand over others, despite other possibilities. That you always choose a Ramlösa over a Loka.” P7
“I would say that it’s that you are [repetitive] to the same brand. If it’s clothes, then I chose to go and look at that store first. Maybe having a belief that I think they have nice clothes, that they make good products that I can sympathize with. And that loyalty means that I primarily choose them, and they close to my memory.” P1
Further, the participants were asked what elements or aspects make them loyal towards a brand. The response from this question resulted in divided answers, some valued quality, others convenience, and price was also of importance. As a follow-up question to the previous, the participants were asked if they believed their brand loyalty depends on the industry. The answers to that question were relatively cohesive, as all but one believed that the industry can influence how brand loyal you are. P6 argued that industries target different customer segments and therefore the audience is influenced. P5 described being more loyal in the clothing industry in comparison to the food industry, where they described that price plays the biggest role in their selection decisions.

Perceptions about Brand Innovativeness

In the second section of the interview, the participants were asked the question of what brand innovativeness means to them and how they would define it. The participants explained the term in various ways, but all were close to the definition of brand innovativeness used in this study. Some associated the term with marketing and finding new ways to market a band, while others associated the term with product development.
“It’s development. To me brand innovativeness is development of new products, new ways to market yourself, new groups you want to target. Simply renewal.” P5
“A brand that has found a new way to market themselves. A company that finds new ways to reach their target group.” P6

“It is a new creation of a product.” P1

It was evident that the participants identified brand innovativeness in different categories, as some associated it with product innovations and others with marketing efforts. The term brand innovativeness includes both types, therefore the participants were asked specifically how they viewed both product innovations and marketing innovations.
Product innovations generated several responses discussing the creation of new products, along with satisfying demands a market has not discovered.
“To create a completely new product the market has not seen before to satisfy a new demand the market has yet to discover.” P1
“New smart solutions to make life more simple.” P4
It was evident from the conducted interviews that marketing was often associated with innovativeness. The majority of the participants described that there are many ways of being innovative in terms of marketing. This included social media channels, such as Instagram, celebrity endorsements, and free sampling. However, there was also resistance from one participant regarding the question “Would you say marketing can be innovative?” explaining that innovation according to this participant, is directly associated with new products.
“A little, but it is not what I think of when I think of innovation. I can agree that there is an innovative way of displaying things but it’s pretty far for me to get there. When I think of innovation I think about a new product or a company that is very cool.” P3
The participants were also asked if they associated any companies or brands with innovativeness. There was no unanimous answer, the participants all presented different answers including Tesla, Red Bull, ICA, and OnePlus.
“OnePlus. It’s a constant development, and new ways of delivering value to customers that is not equivalent to other companies on the market. I would say, they deliver something that no one else can deliver, and they are first. There will always be someone who jumps on the train after, but they are first to deliver in that way. They are on the edge of technology.” P7
To conclude the brand innovativeness section of the interviews, the participants were asked whether they feel that innovation has an impact on them. There was an evident majority that felt influenced by innovativeness through both marketing and product innovation.


1. Introduction .
1.1 Background
1.2 Problem
1.3 Purpose
1.4 Delimitations
2. Frame of Reference
2.1 Brand .
2.2 Brand Innovation..
2.1.1 Brand Innovation Theories
2.3 Marketing Innovation.
2.3.1 Marketing Strategies
2.4 Product Innovation
2.5 Consumer-Brand Relationship
2.5.1 Fournier’s BRQ Model .
2.6 Brand Loyalty
2.6.1 Brand Loyalty Matrix
2.7 Low-Involvement Purchases
2.8 Introduction to Generation Y
3. Methodology 
3.1 Research Philosophy
3.2 Research Approach
3.3 Research Design & Strategy
3.4 Time Horizon
3.5 Methods of Data Collection
3.6 Sampling Method
3.6.1 Generation Y .
3.7 Data Analysis.
3.8 Trustworthiness of Research
4. Empirical Findings.
4.1 Semi-Structured Interviews.
4.1.1 Perceptions about Brand Loyalty.
4.1.2 Perceptions about Brand Innovativeness.
4.1.3 Insights on the Energy Drink Industry
4.1.4 Perceptions about Red Bull
5. Analysis 
5.1 Exposure to Brand.
5.2 Lifestyle and Brand Image.
5.3 Association with Social Events and Student Life.
5.4 Low-Involvement Product .
6. Conclusion
7. Discussion.
7.1 Limitations
7.2 Contribution
7.3 Further Research

Exploring innovativeness and its influence on brand loyalty in a saturated market through the eyes of Generation Y

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