Transnational Entrepreneurs’ Sets of Resources

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The Greek Restaurant1

The entrepreneur is an immigrant from Iraq, who is a Swedish citizen. At the time of Iran- raq war, he and his family desired to move to United States of America in order to have a sustainable and safe life, but he ended up in Greece. He kept on trying to leave Greece and go to USA but could not and hence lived in Greece for five years. He said that he saw the world amped and saw Sweden, a welfare state. Therefore, he, along with his family, moved to Sweden in 1985. He lived in the social welfare for six months and was very dedicated to assimilate within the Swedish society by spending 270 hours learning Swedish. After one year, he found a job in a shoe factory and worked there for three years. He also worked in a pizzeria for two months after which he went to a hotel and restaurant school for six months.
After that he purchased a pizzeria for 75,000 SEK with his brother, which was a very good deal at that time. He ran the pizzeria for two years and after which he sold it at almost double the price of that which he purchased for and rented another pizzeria which they started running. He moved to Karlstad in 1991, where he met a business man, from whom he started taking goods on credit and used to sell them to the consumers, this is how he and his brother worked there together. This leads towards a successful business that they were able to have two pizzerias there and one restaurant in Nässjö. After five years, they winded up everything and came back to Jönköping in 1996. The basic reason of coming to this town was a large community of theirs was living here. It was really important because their parents, who did not speak Swedish, were also living with them so if they lived anywhere else, the parents will feel lonely and understood no one but here they can go to church every Sunday and have unions galore every week.
Now, he loves Jönköping and does not want his children to go back to Iraq, this is his life and here will he live forever. He said if one works hard in this country, then one can make a lot of money here. First when he moved to Jönköping, he opened a pizzeria in Elmia and ran it for eight years but later sold it. Now he owns a greek restaurant and a pizzeria that is under this greek restaurant located near the city center (further he added that he doesn’t want his and the business’ name to be disclosed). All the decoration of the restaurant is imported from Greece but was made by the previous owner, nothing is done by him and he purchased it the way it is. The procurement of the greek restaurant is outsourced and it is delivered by Asia Livs at its doorstep. So it is indirectly connected to the Glädje Grön network. The entrepreneur of the greek restaurant has lived in Greece and knows about the Greek cuisine and is connected to the country through the wholesaler in Göteborg.
Apart of that, there is family who works at the restaurant and is paid just like an ordinary employee.

Glädje Grön (addendum)

For Glädje Grön, we did not directly in contact with them and not of our focus due to the ocation. But since during the previous interviews our respondents occasionally referred to them, we indirectly collected few information about this company. Glädje Grön is a transnational company located in Göteborg owned by Hassan, a Palestinian. Along with Sweden, it also has its operations and staff in other countries which has created a market for its own by offering wholesale products only to retailers. Glädje Grön is also well-known for its low prices, if one goes on its website there is always an offer of something at a lower price than usual.

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önköpings Afro Shop

Fati Ringdahl is an entrepreneur around the corner near Sofia church in Jönköping, Sweden. She belongs to Togo, Africa but was born in Ghana. She came to Sweden through a refugee camp and was later given the Swedish citizenship. First, she was sent to Arbetsförmedlingen, where she was taught how to do business in Sweden and started her first shop in Växjo. Although she had some prior working experience from back home, her stepmother also had a similar shop of hair products in Holland. Through her help, Fati was able to get the same products from Holland to Sweden. Primarily, hair salon was her core business with hair products as a side business. But then, she saw potential in the product business and now the salon is just there, whereas her focus is the hair related products business. Afro Shop imports products from Chicago, USA, India, China, Thailand, and food products from Holland.
The business does not have any transnational operations or an office beyond borders. However, there is a mix of channels that she used to develop her network across the country. Firstly, Fati had her network of relatives in Holland. Secondly, she used the Internet as a medium to locate the potential suppliers in India and America. Thirdly, she actually visited China and Thailand in order to create new contacts. Now, once her network is built, she makes all her orders through telephone and the products are shipped to her.

1 Introduction 
1.1 Problem Discussion
1.2 Purpose
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Delimitation
1.5 Structure of the Thesis
2 Frame of Reference 
2.1 Transnational Entrepreneurship
2.1.1 Origin of the Concept and Definition
2.1.2 International, Transnational, and Ethnic Entrepreneurship
2.1.3 Transnational Entrepreneurship Theoretical Framework
2.2 Transnational Entrepreneurs’ Sets of Resources
2.3 Streams of Research on TE
2.4 Sweden, Immigrants, and Transnational Entrepreneurship
2.5 Theoretical Framework
3 Method 
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Sampling Method
3.3 Data Collection
3.3.1 Primary Data
3.3.2 Secondary Data
3.4 Data Analysis
3.4.1 Processual Analysis
3.4.2 Content Analysis
4 Empirical Findings 
4.1 Frukthall
4.2 Fruktshop Huskvarna
4.3 Fruktshop Österängen
4.4 Asia Livs
4.5 The Greek Restaurant
4.6 Glädje Grön (addendum)
4.7 Jönköpings Afro Shop
4.8 Roki Tex AB
4.8.1 The Entrepreneur
4.8.2 The Second-Generation Entrepreneu
4.8.3 Born of Roki Tex
4.8.4 Roki Tex AB
4.8.5 Business Operations
4.8.6 Customer segments
4.8.7 Financial Crises
4.8.8 Hinders on Economic Development in Pakistan
4.9 Strategy Engineers GmbH & Co. KG
4.10 City Billack AB
5 Analysis 
5.1 The Transnational Entrepreneurial Network of Ethnic Entrepreneurs
5.2 Jönköpings Afro Shop: Ethnic Entrepreneur with Direct International
5.3 City Billack: TE Turning into EE
5.4 Roki Tex: TE between the Developing and the Developed Countries
5.5 Tectorius: TE within the Developed Countries
5.6 Strategy Engineers: The International Entrepreneurs
5.7 Discussions
6 Concluding Remarks 
7 Limitations and Future Research
7.1 Limitations
7.2 Suggestions for Future Research

Exploring Transnational Entrepreneurship: On the Interface between International Entrepreneurship and Ethnic Entrepreneurship

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