The relationship between invertebrate community and the nitrate removal function

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Biodiversity and ecosystem functions An ecosystem function is an intrinsic ecosystem characteristic related to the matter and energy flows resulting from ecosystem processes. The various ecosystem processes can result from a set of...

ChannelModeling and Performance Analysis of Intra-WBANs

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » OWC advantages and challenges OWC offers a number of advantages compared to RF systems. We summarize them as follows. High data rate: The use of optical spectrum offers ultra-large bandwidth of 400 THz,...

Assessment of the surface water – groundwater exchange and shallow aquifer denitrification in the floodplain area using the SWAT-LUD model.

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Nitrogen cycling, river-floodplain system, modelling approach. This chapter reviews studies about nitrogen cycling in the soil-plant-atmosphere system, the nitrate pollution in the aquatic ecosystem, the characterization and limit factors of denitrification function, the...

Proazaphosphatranes: discovery, synthesis and applications

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Application of proazaphosphatranes in stoichiometric reactions The synthesis of proazaphosphatranes follows such a general procedure4: the reaction of tris(2-ethylamino)amine (‘tren’) with aldehydes to give corresponding alkylated tetramine, which is then converted into protonated...

Multiple stressors and ecological complexity require a new approach to coral reef research

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » L’étude des impacts, de la vulnérabilité et de l’adaptation des systèmes socio-écologiques face aux CEG Cette troisième section d’introduction générale présente le cadre analytique de la vulnérabilité des systèmes socio-écologiques retenu dans cette...

Early stages of leaf decomposition are mediated by aquatic fungi in the hyporheic zone of woodland streams

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Le compartiment hyporhéique: une zone refuge Pour certains organismes, l’habitat interstitiel peut être occupé pendant une partie de leurs vies et/ou sous des formes de résistance. Par exemple, les œufs de certains poissons...

Astrophysical and nuclear uncertainties of dark matter direct an indirect detection constraints

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Evidences for dark matter The idea that a part of the matter in the Universe may escape the observations because they do not emit light or are just too dim to see was...

Scheduling in interactive multimedia systems 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Multimedia scheduling Interactive multimedia systems are real-time systems; as they deal with audio and video streams, they have to provide audio or video frames periodically before a precise deadline. We will first present...

Mediterranean open habitat vegetation offers great potential for extensive green roof design

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Problem statement As highlighted in the previous section, GRs offer benefits and are in many aspects preferable to bitumen roofs in urban areas. However, the technique is relatively new and many questions still...

Coupling Losses Algorithm for Superconducting Strands (CLASS)

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Superconductors (CICCs) and Fusion tokamaks Approximatively at the same time of the discovery of superconductivity, A. Eddington explained that thermonuclear fusion is probably on going inside core of stars producing enough energy to...