Channel Estimation for Large Antenna CRNs: a Pilot Decontamination Approach

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A Performance Comparison Study of Interweaved and Underlay Multiple- Antenna CRNs

Ergodic rate of secondary communication

Optimizing generic design parameters of an underlay CRN when MRCbased precoding is applied at BSs

Underlay MISO CRN Precoding with Statistical Coordination

Table of contents :

List of Figures
List of Tables
I Introduction 
1 Motivation and Models 
1.1 Background of CR Technology
1.2 State-of-the-art for CR Systems
1.2.1 CR Systems: an emerging and challenging technology
1.2.2 CR System Paradigms Prioritized CR systems Unprioritized CR systems
1.2.3 Utilizing Multiple Antennas in CR Systems
1.3 Contributions and Outline of the Dissertation
II Performance Comparison of CRN Approaches 
2 A Performance Comparison Study of Interweaved and Underlay Multiple- Antenna CRNs 
2.1 Introduction
2.2 System and Channel Model
2.3 Performance Analysis of the Interweaved Approach
2.3.1 General model
2.3.2 Outage probability of primary communication
2.3.3 Ergodic rate of secondary communication
2.4 Performance Analysis of the Underlay Approach
2.4.1 Power and BF policies
2.4.2 Power policy at the secondary link under MRC Outage probability of primary communication Ergodic rate of secondary communication
2.4.3 Power policy at the secondary link under ZF Outage probability of primary communication Ergodic rate of secondary communication
2.5 Optimizing Generic Design Parameters of the CRN Approaches
2.5.1 Optimizing generic design parameters of an interweaved CRN
2.5.2 Optimizing generic design parameters of an underlay CRN when MRCbased precoding is applied at BSs
2.6 Numerical Evaluation
2.7 Conclusions
III Coordinated CRN BF Schemes with Mixed CSI 
3 Rate Optimal BF and User Selection for Unprioritized SIMO CRNs 
3.1 Introduction
3.2 System Model
3.3 Calculation of the conditional expected sum rate
3.3.1 Distribution of the interference term
3.3.2 Calculation of E|hii{Ri}
3.4 Optimal Receive BF
3.5 Coordinated User Selection Algorithm
3.6 Numerical Results
3.7 Conclusions
4 Team Decisional BF for Underlay MISO CRNs 
4.1 Introduction
4.2 System Model – Derivation of the Conditional Expected Rates
4.3 Transmit CR BF with Distributed CSIT
4.3.1 Distributed information structure and BF
4.4 Numerical Results
4.5 Conclusions
5 Underlay MISO CRN Precoding with Statistical Coordination 
5.1 Introduction
5.2 System and Channel Model
5.3 Problem Formulation
5.4 Preliminary Results
5.5 Precoding Schemes
5.5.1 Precoding Strategy p
5.5.2 Precoding Strategy s
5.6 Statistically Coordinated Precoding
5.7 Simulations
5.7.1 Interference Temperature Approach
5.7.2 Upperbound
5.7.3 Simulation Results
5.8 Conclusions
IV Coordinated Channel Estimation for CRNs 
6 Channel Estimation for Large Antenna CRNs: a Pilot Decontamination Approach
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Signal and Channel Models
6.3 Covariance-Aided Channel Estimation
6.3.1 Covariance-based Bayesian estimator
6.3.2 MSE Performance Analysis
6.3.3 Large antenna number regime
6.4 Coordinated CR Pilot Assignment Algorithm
6.4.1 Introduction
6.4.2 SU scheduling algorithm
6.5 Numerical Results
6.6 Conclusions
7 Conclusions and Future Research 
8 R´esum´e [Fran¸cais] 
8.1 Contexte de la technologie CR
8.2 ´Etat de l’art pour les syst`emes CR
8.2.1 Syst`emes CR: une technologie ´emergente et stimulant
8.2.2 Paradigmes de syst`emes CR Syst`emes CR prioritaires Syst`emes CR sans priorit´e
8.2.3 Utilisation des Antennes multiples dans les syst`emes CR
8.3 Contributions et Plan de la Th`ese
.1 Proof of Proposition 1
.2 Proof of Proposition 2
.3 Proof of Proposition 3 .

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