Computerized crime tracking information system

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Computerized crime maps provide crime analysts and departmental planners with a means to spatially relate crime conditions, patterns, and trends. For example, an analyst can search for places where high levels of crime correlate with relatively low levels of patrol assignments. Patterns can be explored within a mapping system by searching places with elevated levels of crime against patrol deployment patterns across temporal dimensions.
Trends can be uncovered by using past patterns to predict the locations of emerging hot spots of crime. Graphic presentations of search findings provide a powerful medium to communicate conditions, patterns, and trends, often creating an avenue for analysts to bring about significant policy changes. In Jersey City, for example, computerized crime mapping capabilities have been used by departmental planners to develop beat boundaries and to help match community service officers with particular ethnic and racial neighborhoods. In another project, the Jersey City Police Department crime mapping system was used to merge crime data with neighborhood characteristics. Boundaries were created to match Census data with police data aggregated to the beat level of analysis. In this project, workload data were merged with indicators of crime (such as emergency calls and arrests) and then mapped along with Census data showing population densities, proportions of youths by district, and other community-level factors that correlated with high or low work loads. Using these maps, the police department embarked upon a restructuring project that precipitated widespread changes to the organizational structure and function of the department. While police department planners and crime analysts are typically interested in using computerized crime mapping systems to answer broad-based policy questions, street-level problem-solvers use crime mapping to answer different types of questions. Street officers still require mapping tools to examine conditions, patterns and trends in crime problems, but the units of inquiry and their data needs are often quite different from crime analysts’ demands. For example, street-level officers tend to explore crime maps to identify the environmental features that are consistent with different types of problems. Bars are often found to be focal points for open-air drug sales (Eck, 1994; Roncek and Maier, 1991; Weisburd and Green, 1994); assault and robbery problems tend to occur along main throughways and, in particular, near bus stops; and prostitution problems are often found along main throughways. Knowing the unique distributions of crime problems for specific categories of crime is critical for street-level problem-solving officers. While crime mapping systems can be used by both street-level officers and citywide crime analysts, many police departments customize their inquiry system to meet the specific demands of one group over another. For example, crime analysts will typically demand a mapping system that can routinize the creation of thematic maps describing the changing patterns of crime across the city over the last six months. By contrast, beat officers will typically demand that their mapping system help them to pinpoint crime patterns for specific categories of crime.


Title page
Organization of work
Table contents
Chapter One
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of problem
1.3 Purpose of study
1.4 Justification of the project
1.5 Limitation of the project
Chapter Two
Literature review
2.1 Nigeria police force
2.2 Crime mapping system
2.3 Tracking system
2.4 Information System
2.5 Case tracking system in Enugu
Chater Three
Methodology and system analysis
3.1 Methodology
3.2 Analysis of the existing system-
3.3 Method of data collection
i. 3.4 Input, Process and output Analysis
3.5 Information Flow Diagram
3.6 Problems of the Present system
3.7 Justification of the new system
Chapter Four
System Design, implementation and testing
4.1 Output specification and design
4.2 Database file design
4.3 Criminal file
4.4 Procedure chart
4.5 System flowchart
4.6 System requirement
4.7 Programming language
4.7 Program flow chart
Chapter Five
Summary, Conclution and Recommendations
5.1 Summary
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusion


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