Cultural Distance Influence on Internationalization

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Quality Criteria

The authors have taken all four quality measurements’ tests (Yin, 2009). Furthermore, to achieve a better quality, focusing more on reliability and confidentiality with highlighting on ethical and financial considerations; and validating all data used in this research as mentioned below.


Yin (2009) claims that there are four quality measurements’ tests within case studies including construct validity, internal and external validity in addition to reliability. Firstly, construct validity deals with questioning if previous researches are the same as what is claimed to be investigated which could be achieved by collecting data, in addition, reviewing outcomes by interviewees of the study. Secondly, internal validity that works with rationality of causal relationship which enhances by using logic models to explain the relationship. Thirdly, external validity which is related to the conclusion and how the conclusion could be applied or not to other research outside specific context; by using analytical generalization where the results could go beyond the context (Yin, 2009). The authors have taken all four quality measurements’ tests by using varied sources, reviewing outcomes with interviewees, the construct validity.
Validity indicates to the credibility of research collected data and the conducted process. Therefore, the research would be valid when the research questions are consistent with the ultimate outcomes (Leung, 2015). To end up with accurate findings and good conclusion of the recent research, the authors casted light on the importance of validity since the findings should be valid to the field of study to deliver a transparent and applicable research. Furthermore, the authors checked legal registration of all involved SMEs in Allabolag website, in addition, adding all relevant facts and data about SMEs used in the current research to show each SME separately as some of them have been run previously with different legal names or registrations abroad.
A final quality measurements’ test within case studies is reliability that could deal with replicability of the results, in addition, documenting the process which makes it easier for others to repeat the methods (Yin, 2009). Interviews are conducted using a hermeneutic approach which means that having a pre-understanding of the company’s current situation and exchanging information without any ethical questionings toward the firms (Laverty, 2003). Interviewees are informed and approved publishing the outcomes in public and tapping the interviews. In addition, the five involved SMEs received the last version of their interview to approve. Case 1, Case 3 and Case 4 approved the outcomes of last version, while Case 2 edited the text to some extent. Furthermore, Case 5 organized the text for a better layout and edited slightly to the explanation of the quotes, the content, however, stayed untouched. English was used only to avoid translating.

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Confidentiality and Ethics

The interviewees had been given oral and written information about the study, authors and introduction about the authors’ school as well. This study has no external financial support while the authors have no conflict of interest. Furthermore, the authors informed the interviewees that the outcomes would be published to public. Therefore, the authors showed the companies that they were able to hide their identity and the company name, if they preferred. Anonymous participating companies and individuals would be provided a confidentiality agreement signed by authors of the current research to be legally and ethically responsible for not directly or indirectly referring the person name, company, or any sensitive data. However, all interviewees have accepted to publish the research outcomes to public without hiding their identities and SMEs’ names.

1.1 Background
1.2 Problem Discussion
1.3 Purpose Statement
1.4 Research Questions (RQs) .
1.5 Perspective Statement
1.6 Delimitation
Frame of Reference .
2.1 Internationalization
2.2 Psychic Distance .
2.2.1 Cultural Distance Influence on Internationalization
2.2.2 Economic Distance Influence on Internationalization .
2.2.3 Geographic Distance Influence on Internationalization
2.3 Literature Review Summary
Methodology and Method .
3.1 Research Philosophy
3.1.1 Interpretivism
3.2 Research Approach
3.2.1 Abductive Research
3.3 Research Method and Design
3.4 Research Strategy
3.5 Quality Criteria
4.1 Cultural Distance Influence on Internationalizatio
4.2 Economic Distance Influence on Internationalization
4.3 Geographic Distance Influence on Internationalization .
5.1 Context of Cultural Distances .
5.2 Context of Economic Distances
5.3 Context of Geographic Distances .
Conclusion and Discussion

The Influence of Psychic Distance on Internationalization A Multiple Case Study of Swedish SMEs Within the Service Industry

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