Customer magazines as a way of content marketing

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Stereotyping masculinity & femininity

The seasonal consumption ideology was presented in a rather stereotyping approach with two examples targeting two different customer segments. The May issue (2016) also contain a barbecue section, although it is presented by two men with passion for barbeque and Harley Davidson motorcycles. This signals a very masculine impression towards the readers and indicates a norm of men being in charge of the grill. To distinguish the different sexes in a cooking context can put the magazine at risk unless the situation is founded deeply in a cultural acceptance. However, the following magazine (June/July issue of 2016) presented another barbecue section with a different approach. This section was presented by four women each sharing recipes suitable for a barbecue during the Swedish summer. Unlike the previous month’s section, the June/July issue’s (2016) barbecue recipes contained several vegetarian products, which indicate a different positioning from the magazine. The apparent separation mong sexes to position the content for different target groups can be interpreted as a sociohistorical process (Thompson, 1997). The magazine does not state or promote the cultural linkage between a vegetarian trend and women or Harley Davidson worship men with barbecue, although it is discreetly implied in order for the consumers to more easily navigate their interpretation.
The images illustrate the differences in design and layout in order to target different audiences for adoption of a seasonal consumption ideology. The two images from the May issue (2016) address a more masculine impression with the motorcycles and a rustic surrounding. The third image has a more feminine approach in its positioning for the seasonal consumption ideology.
The image illustrates four women next to a grill and the vegetarian salad in the forefront is prepared without any products from the grill and the layout gives a green and fresh impression. This section encourages the readers to go out in the warmer weather rather than barbecuing as in the previous section. The women standing next the grill can also be interpreted form a sociohistorical process (Thompson, 1997), as the mass media communicates a vegetarian trend that signals a societal status in terms of how to eat in accordance to its norms.

Traditional consumption ideology

Traditions presented in the magazine are the tradition of daily coffee and pastries. Throughout the magazine readers are given inspiration to make sweets at home. This correlates with the Swedish culture, which Buffé are building content upon; The recipes present a consumption ideology that is more tradition oriented. For example, one tradition in Sweden is to eat eggs during Easter holiday, in the March issue of 2016 they have an Easter special for example, where the magazine has dedicated several sections with different recipes with eggs and also an educational section with biological facts concerning eggs. The traditional consumption ideologies presented in magazine encourage the readers to adapt and/or sustain the Swedish traditions and to consume groceries with a tradition oriented mindset.
This image illustrates the different recipes with eggs for the Easter special in March 2016 in an effort to encourage the readers to adapt a Swedish traditional oriented consumption ideology.

Relation between traditional and seasonal ideologies

The food related traditions in Sweden are often bound to seasons, which integrate with the previous mentioned seasonal consumption ideology. In the August issue (2016) the magazine presents a crayfish themed section with reason for the Swedish tradition of having a crayfish party. This traditional oriented consumption ideology is an example of a combination with the seasonal ideology due to the crayfish peak-season that begins during the late summer in Sweden. This section provides the readers with many recipes suitable to serve together with the crayfish as, pies, bread and salads.
The crayfish themed section in the August issue (2016) is illustrated on the image above. This section is an example of a traditional consumption ideology deriving from a seasonal consumption ideology with reason for the crayfish peak-season.


Internationally influenced

Alongside with Swedish traditions and the seasonal setting, an international influence abounds throughout Buffé. There is an extensive mix between Swedish influences and dishes as well as an international approach on its recipes and stories. Food markets in Copenhagen, Denmark is presented in the April issue (2016), a Mexican party themed section in the March issue (2017), and the Iranian food culture is presented in the September issue (2016). This is in accordance with one of the possible reasons for societal changes earlier stated in the methodological section regarding consumption lifestyle and ideology, which is transferred unto Buffé. The great vary of food cultures encourages the reader to adopt a broader consumption mindset, and deeper knowledge regarding cultures and way of living. The borders and differences become less divided and unfamiliar as internationalization is growing in diverse markets (Parment, 2014).
Internationalization is not specific to the nourishments industry, but as an entire entity of touch points where people are possible to be affected by the cultures of others, the magazine is a major influential vehicle.

1. Introduction 
1.1 Customer magazines
1.2 Customer magazines as a way of content marketing
1.3 Customer magazine in relation to editorial content
1.4 Buffé, ICA’s customer magazine
2. Problem formulation 
2.1 Purpose and research questions
2.2 Delimitations
3. Theoretical Frameworks
3.1 Presentation of commercial messages
3.2 Uses and Gratification Theory
3.2.1 Components of Uses & Gratification theory
3.2.2 Classification of mass media usage
3.3 Hirschman and Thompson’s (1997) perspective about how consumers handle media
3.4 Consumption ideologies
4. Methodology 
4.1 Methodology
4.2 Research philosophy
4.3 Methodological technique – content analysis
4.4 Methodological technique – Semi-structured interviews
4.5 Data Gathering
4.6 Data analysis
4.7 Credibility of research
4.7.1 Data reliability
4.7.2 Data validity
5. Findings & Analysis 
5.1 Key coding from content analysis
5.2 Key Sections of Buffé
5.2.1 Interviews and articles
5.2.2 Content marketing & advertising
5.2.3 Discounts
5.2.4 Influencers
5.3 Ideologies
5.3.1 Green Lifestyle
5.3.2 Seasonal consumption ideology Stereotyping masculinity & femininity
5.3.3 Traditional consumption ideology Relation between traditional and seasonal ideologies
5.3.4 Internationally influenced
5.3.5 Balanced lifestyle
5.3.6 Future concepts, innovations & trends Future concepts Innovation Trends
5.3.7 Convenient cooking
5.4 Consumer interpretations from semi-structured interviews
5.4.1 Green lifestyle
5.4.2 Internationally influenced
5.4.3 Stereotyping masculinity & femininity
5.4.4 Convenient cooking
5.4.5 Future concepts, innovations & trends
5.5 Additional consumer interpretations
6. Conclusion & discussions 
6.1 Conclusion
6.2 Discussion
6.2.1 Further findings
6.2.2 Limitations, further research & contributions

ICA’s customer magazine Buffé: The presentation of consumption ideologies and consumers’ interpretation

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