Formulation of a pastoral care system that churches can adopt on a national level

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The author in 2004 completed his Masters dissertation, entitled ‘Humanity in Crisis’ a research paper dealing with HIV / AIDS and its impact on the church and community in South Africa. It was this research that introduced the author to Charles Gerkin’s work and scholarship on Pastoral Care. The focus of this work continues in the same vein, only the focus has shifted to the ministry of pastoral care towards orphans. Here Christian care and love is extended to orphan children who have not only lost their parents due to the Aids pandemic but many have lost their extended family. Within black African culture, their sense of community and their reliance upon extended family plays such a crucial role in their everyday existence. The family is the bases of life. When this family unit is contracted, Gerkin places such importance on community and Pastor as the shepherd of this community. When parents and extended family members die as a result of HIV(Aids) this becomes a compounded problem on the surviving children. Gerkin highlights the Pastor as shepherd, as mediator, reconciler and moral teacher. He places the church as a strategic part in God’s purpose to bring healing and restoration to that which is broken and has become dysfunctional.
The church becomes a powerful instrument of mediation in matters that concern the reaching and care for orphan children. A large percentage of church leaders and churches need to extend the concept of shepherding beyond the fences of their own churches. The concept of shepherding as Gerkins suggests was well understood in primitive rural society. The modern church finds this context difficult because society today is predominantly urban and not rural, but the concept of shepherding is a principle that Jesus himself reinforced. Jesus was the perfect shepherd. He gave us the perfect example from His own earthly life of the role of a shepherd. If sheep wonder off and are in danger, the shepherd leaves the flock in safety and searches until he finds the one who is lost and in danger. He picks up the lost sheep on his own shoulders and reunites it back to the safety of the flock.


Whilst quantitative methodology within this research will quantify the data, its findings will indicate the assimilation and method to portray the phenomenon of social justice that will be undertaken through a qualitative method. Recent findings within the field of research indicates that qualitative research is an important method of inquiry for the social sciences (Marshall and Rossman, 1989: 9) While Van der Ven points to the fact that qualitative research records accurately what is happening on the ground. (Van der Van 1988:21) As this work will include a great deal of field work, accurate assessment within the context of social injustice will be arrived at to provide and give perspectives and recommendations that can aid this research. All research must come to a climax of providing accurate recommendations that can bring about correction. If this is not achieved, one needs to ask, why do the research? It is my intention to come to a decisive conclusion and that this conclusion can lead to action in pastoral care. Grounded theory, an element of qualitative research is an effective approach used in this method (Neuman, 2000: 146) many consider this theory outdated, but the author believes that many aspects of grounded theory are relevant within research. This proves useful in terms that it further shapes your theology. Within my context, it provides a challenge to dialogue with churches that have the viewpoint that orphan care is the responsibility of the welfare department. The aspect that the author finds useful in this theory is that it is developed out off data. This theory then becomes the tool to form the basis of social research and to assess the failure or strengths of each findings.(Glazer and Strauss,1999: 2) Collection of data from the questionnaire will produce a theory or model whereby a method of pastoral care can be deduced. See appendix A; This collection of information will give evidence to the measure of the churches involvement into the ministry of orphan care. If this is a neglected arm of the church then correction can be made. Qualitative research therefore needs to provide data, then the author needs to assimilate this data into a meaningful theory of praxis, and thereby hopefully provide a successful application of diakonia.

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1:1 The topic story
1:2 The Positioning of this research.
1:3 Problem statement
1:4 Definitions that explain a strategic ministry towards orphans
1:5 The research gap
1:6 Aims and objectives of this study
1:7 Chapter summary
2:1 Research Methodology
2:2 Definitions of Qualitative and Quantitative research
2:3 Church Selection and Participation
2:4 Research Assessment
2:5 Chapter Summary
3:1 The social justice problem in South Africa
3:2 Definition of Justice
3:3 The Orphan crisis in South Africa
3:4 Orphan problem due to HIV(Aids)
3:5 Orphan problem due to poverty
3:6 Sexual revolution as a factor
3:7 Chapter summary
4:1 Diaconal models that are effective in orphan care.
4:2 Selection of church participants in Benoni
4:3 Profile of interviewed churches within this research
4:4 Represented sampling of church involvement within this research
4:3 Questionnaire format and dialog
4:4 Hands of Hope
4:5 The role of the church
4:6 Failure of government
4:7 Ripple effect of Apartheid
4:8 Chapter summary
5:1 Overview and assumptions derived from this study
5:2 Summary of the orphan crisis
5:3 Formulation of a pastoral care system that churches can adopt on a national level
5:4 Chapter summary
6:1 Recommendations, outcomes from this research and areas for further inquiry


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