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About the Dunedin Energy Study

In 2015, the Dunedin Energy Baseline Study for the year 2014 was completed. At the time, there was no single source of information for the total energy consumed by Dunedin – including by households, transport, businesses, education, farming and industry. This data is important for informing the development of strategies for the future of the City, including for energy, transport, environment and economic development. Additionally, the DCC joined the Compact of Mayors in 2014, which is global coalition of city leaders who have pledged to cut greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and prepare for the future impacts of climate change. Therefore, it is very important that DCC has a thorough understanding of GHGs arising from energy consumption within the city boundaries.
The primary aim of the Dunedin Energy Study 2015/2016 is to update the database of energy inputs into Dunedin as well as address some of the data gaps evident from the baseline study. The baseline study covered the 2014 calendar year, but it is more helpful for some of the users of the study for the data to be in financial year form. This study therefore reports for the 2015 calendar year (2015CY) as well as the 2016 financial year (1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016) (2016FY). The two reporting periods are described separately in each section of the report, so as to allow for future comparisons to be easily made.
The only similar source of information that shows energy use by geographic region is the Energy End Use Database held by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA). This has an estimate for energy used by the region for the 2012 calendar year. At the end of this report the findings are compared to those from the Energy End Use Database.
The study focuses on end use energy within the Dunedin City boundary, as well as energy imported into Dunedin and energy produced/generated in Dunedin. The study considers consumer energy inputs only, not energy embedded in goods such as the energy used elsewhere in New Zealand or globally to fabricate machines, food or household appliances.
The data used was not readily available from single sources, and the project relied on the willingness of many businesses and organisations who supplied data, including DCC,
3 Source: University of Otago Annual Report 2015
4 Source: Statistics New Zealand: Subnational Population Projections: 2013(base)–2043
5 Source: Business and Economic Research Limited’s 2014
Economic Profile of the Otago Region and Dunedin City The Dunedin Energy Study 2015/2016 retailers, logistics companies, lines companies, electricity generators and individuals who have a great understanding of energy flows in the city. In some cases, more in-depth data was supplied about temporal and spatial patterns of energy use in Dunedin. This has been included where relevant.
The study was undertaken by researchers at the University of Otago. Under the ethical approval granted for the research project, individuals and organisations participating in the study were given options regarding the anonymity and confidentiality of the data provided. Where requested, anonymity has been preserved by aggregating the energy inputs by fuel type. The raw data collected is securely stored and password protected on a server at the University of Otago.

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Dunedin City Council (DCC), New Zealand

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