Why adopting a body posture might affect the agent’s social perception and behaviour 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » How robust are the initial power posture findings? While the empowering message in Cuddy’s communications was impressive and remains important, many researchers were sceptical whether the short and subtle intervention of adopting a...

Physical realization of cat-pumping interaction with a single Josephson junction

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Change of frame for numerical simulations Non-perturbative numerical simulations of such a strongly driven nonlinear system are particularly challenging. They require the simulation of a master equation over a Hilbert space of large...

Connected determinant diagrammatic Monte Carlo: polynomial complexity despite fermionic sign

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Generalization to correlation functions and to the fully-dressed diagrammatic scheme In this section, we show how it is possible to generalize the large-order behavior computation to the correlation functions, and how to consider...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » SPECIFIC ALTERNATIVES FOR NEUROMUSCULAR PATIENTS Pellegrini et al. (2004) have investigated the use of alternative wheelchair steering devices aimed at users with neuromuscular diseases illustrated in Figure II-18 (mini joystick, finger-joystick…). With such...

European put on the Heston model with negative exponential jumps

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Options on realized variance and density expansion (Chapter 4) We consider the problem of pricing options on realized variance when volatility is modelled as a diusion process with general drift and constant diusion...

Human-Machine Collaboration in Statistical Machine Translation 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Exploitation of Human Knowledge Once PE is finished, an MT system receives the feedback and exploits it: performs an online adaptation of its models according to the user new inputs. In the case...

Method development and validation for future population studies 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Kinematic interactions and threshold effects A MDR can lead to a modification of kinematic interactions between particles. In particular, it can change the energy threshold at which a given physical process is allowed...

Control and Observation of Microbial Communities 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The COSY model The COSY model, presented by [Mauri et al., 2020], describes the dynamics of a producer strain that grows and produces a special compound by consuming glucose and, by doing so,...

Rare variant analysis in human neurodegenerative disorders guided by cellular models of proteotoxicity

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » RARE VARIANT ASSOCIATION TESTING Most human variants are rare and have greater independence compared to common variants leads to greater multiple testing penalty for individual variant association tests. Further, many more samples are...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Folding events in successive crushing Zhao and Abddenadher found that the folding cycles are composed of two stages. At the start, crush is obtained by bending in the middle of the flat plates...