3D reconstruction and characterization of SOC electrodes microstructures

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Context of high temperature Solid Oxide Cells This chapter gives an outline of the fundamentals upon which this work is constructed. In particular, the operating principle, the materials and the basics of solid-state...

The Russian presence – a cause to an un-equal social structure of today.

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Medical geography – a subject introduction Medical geography regards as a specialised sub field in the discipline of Human geography. The field is divided into two just as important interacting parts; medical science...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The exception in article 33(2) During the drafting process, many states considered it necessary to include exceptions to the prohibition on refoulement. The main reason appears to have been concerns for national security....

Venn diagram of sustainable development 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Venn diagram of sustainable development More specifically, sustainable development could be defined in different terms of different dimensions/categories, such as a Venn diagram, a diagram with three circles that overlap each other in...

Crime prevention in the EU

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » After Amsterdam In a meeting in Tampere, October 1999, the European Council discussed the crime prevention subject further and adopted a detailed agenda, and among others Conclusion Nr. 41, which states that there...

From packaging and transformation station to exported country via International Road Transport (TIR)

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Morocco current situation The Kingdom of Morocco is located in North Africa, bordering with Algeria, Western Sahara, Spain and coasting with the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Morocco is a developing country, with...

Comparing DST and geometry-based results in thin-bed characterization

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Gustafson-Kessel clustering technique Neither KM nor FCM are suitable algorithms for oriented or multi-sized clusters. In the FCM algorithm, if the Euclidian distance (Relation 2-17) is replaced by the Mahalanobis distance (Relation 2-18)...

Interview participants’ socio-demographics

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Tourist Attitude The theory of planned behavior, as earlier noted is often applied in a tourism context, linking intention, with choice of destination, and future travel behavior (Baloglu, 1998). Tourist satisfaction, leads to...

Popular scientific summary including social and ethical aspects

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Drug-Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa The treatment of P. aeruginosa infections is extremely problematic because of the intrinsic resistant to a broad range of antibiotics.6 It can easily develop resistance by means of several...

The Importance of Family and Gender Roles 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The Importance of Family and Gender Roles One of the bigger themes in the Twilight Saga is that of the nuclear family, in line with the neo-conservative family values of the post-feminists, as...