The affective domain, the learning environment and Krathwohl’s Taxonomy

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Background to the study One of the well-known facts with regard to all learning programmes and the students involved is that some students finish a course while others do not. Lecturers, who communicate...

Distinguishing the right to data privacy from the ‘traditional’ right to privacy: A conceptual debate

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Background protection [data privacy] is also emerging as a distinct human right or fundamental right.1 Nigeria is a country that is making significant strides in terms of the access and usage of...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Acknowledgements On the cover of one of my favourite Asterix & Obelix books, Asterix and Cleopatra, the authors listed all artistic and sundry materials used to create the... “Greatest adventure ever drawn” ....e.g....

Assumptions for redesigning traditional physics laboratory practical activities

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Introduction In this chapter, some background information to the study and a short introduction to inquiry- based teaching are given. In science education communities, inquiry-based learning is often seen as the recommended method...

Rationale behind integrating ICT into Education

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Introduction Academics are key players in the successful adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at higher education institutions, therefore this study explored how academics integrate ICT into their teaching and learning practices....

Solution approaches for Capacitated Arc Routing Problems

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Exchange The third move operator that we adapt for the MCARPTIF is exchange, illustrated in Figure 5.8. An exchange move involving Ti;j;k = u and Tl;m;n = v consists of replacing arc u...

The Religious, Cultural, Moral and Philosophical Considerations of Forgiveness and Self-Forgiveness

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » THE DIALOGAL GROUP’S REFLECTIVE DISCUSSIONS AND OBSERVATIONS OF THE EXPERIENCE OF SELF-FORGIVENESS IN PSYCHOTHERAPY Group dialogue on the phenomenon took place with three psychologists (including this researcher), during six two-hourly audio-taped sessions over...

SNP discovery in indigenous Afrikaner, Drakensberger and Nguni cattle breeds of South Africa

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Sample collection, library construction and DNA sequencing Sampling of blood and hair was performed with the approval of the Animal Ethics Committee of the University of Pretoria (EC: S4285-15), according to guidelines for...

An investigation of the context and preaching in the Korean Church

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » What is the New Homiletic? Eslinger (1987:14) used the term ‘the New Homiletic’ because he wanted to contrast the form of the new sermons with the old orthodox topical preaching. Eslinger (1987:11-15) presented...

Development and refinement of guidelines on the health care needs of displaced women

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Selection of the participants According to Burns and Grove (2007:76; 227 & 348), phenomenological research involves a small number of participants who often might be ten or fewer. For the purpose of this...