The capability of education in changing students’ attitudes and behaviour

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Teachers’ professional status It is important to note the observation made by Hargreaves (2003:4) that due to the multidimensional and ambiguous nature of teaching, it tends not to be a fully fledged profession...

Intra and interday reliability of hamstring flexibility measures

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » DYNAMIC HAMSTRING FLEXIBILITY Some studies have suggested that static flexibility tests of the hamstring muscle group are not limited by neural or biomechanical characteristics of muscle (Osternig et al., 1990; Halbertsma et al.,...

Policy responses to human trafficking in a global, regional and national context

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Inter-Regional Trafficking into South Africa  As previously mentioned, the exact number of persons trafficked into South Africa is not known due to several reasons, including overestimation, reliance and reproduction of old estimates, as...

The international climate change regulatory framework in relation to indigenous peoples’ lands

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » AF instruments and indigenous peoples In addition to recognising the need to operate the AF expeditiously, further guidance is provided in the decisions made at the CMP meeting in Montreal, Canada in 2005,182...

Partnership of mission work in the congregations of the presbytery of burger

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » INAUGURATION OF THE MISSION HOSPITAL The hospital was opened in January 1959. Rev Coen van Rensburg, the moderator of the NGKA for Transvaal was the speaker. Chief Frank Maserumule, chief of the Matlala...

Expression of oryzacystatin-i in drought and heat-stressed transformed tobacco plants

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Detection of OC-I sequence in transformed plants  Genomic DNA was isolated from putative young leaves of transformed and control tobacco plants using a commercial DNA isolation kit (Amersham Phyto Pure DNA isolation kit,...

Contibution of the main findings to literature and the body of knowledge

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Lack of financial management skills to perform their roles For effective running of schools, financial management is vital and it should be the duty of a person in a position of authority to...

Domestic violence as it has influence the spread of HIV and AIDS in Pashu community

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Education as a factor influencing cultural change A number of writers have variably defined education. The whole idea is not to lay emphasis on the various definitions of education, but to view education...

An analysis of TRIPS and its patent provisions relative to access to medicines

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Standards of patentability Setting the proper standards of patentability is an additional TRIPS flexibility. Article 27 of TRIPS lays down the baseline standards of patentability. It provides that inventions are patentable if they...

The introduction of theme days at st alban’s college

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Research design According to Merriam (1997:27) a qualitative case study can be defined as “. . . an intensive, holistic description and analysis of a single instance, phenomenon, or social unit”. A case...