North american indian names in the publication environment

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » International MARC Authorities Formats As variants of MARC records spread across the world, there was a concurrent movement to create a worldwide MARC coding system. Two major results of this movement have been...

The Significance of the Literature on “Transfer of Training”

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The significance of the literature on “transfer of training” Addressing challenges resulting from the transfer of learning is a mammoth undertaking facing organisations that are determined to acquire gains from training programmes. There...

Change detection method using the seasonal Fourier features

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Creating meaningful clusters No theoretical guideline exists on how to extract the optimal feature vector set from the input vector set for a specific clustering application. Owing to the limited intrinsic information within...

The macro level education landscape: south african policy issues in context

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Dimensions of curriculum Schmidt et al. (1996) point out that a feature of IEA studies is that they recognise the need to consider educational outcomes in relation to educational inputs. IEA studies vary...

The sand forest of tembe elephant park and environs, maputaland

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Sparse Woodland on sand This vegetation unit only occured in Tembe and Manqakulane. In Manqakulane only three species (Table 14) were evaluated, with Dichrostachys cinerea and Gymnosporia senegalensis in the full analysis and...

The use of graphic symbols in language learning

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Controlling No-one in a position of responsibility wants to do a bad job. No-one likes being criticised (especially unjustifiably.) But because the nature of responsibility and accountability requires it, there is need for...

Comparison of the frequency of aided language stimulation input and correct responses

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Training Procedure The aided language stimulation program comprised three activities. Each activity was implemented for five consecutive days, that is, in five sessions. The sessions were conducted in the mornings and lasted for...

Does water stress affect antibacterial activity of Tulbaghia violacea and Hypoxis hemerocallidea?

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Plant material Plant clones of the same age were prepared for the greenhouse experiment under room temperature (25°C), light, irrigation and growth medium before trial commencement. To generate vegetative clones, plantlets were prepared...

Theology of transformation: Towards a moral compass of societal ethos

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The sons of Israel are admonished to reverence their mother and father in verse three This verse provides two indications of personal purity for the sons of Israel. Since holiness is a state...

Bioassay guided fractionation of the crude extract from Croton steenkampianus

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Triterpenes Triterpenes are C30 compounds arising from the cyclization of squalene. They are comprised of a variety of structurally diverse compounds, which include steroids. Tetracyclic terpenes and steroids have similar structures but have...