Jurisprudence of international courts on immunity of state officials

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now!  The SCSL and the question of subpoenas against state officials The Trial Chamber of the SCSL has had also an opportunity to deal with the question of immunity of state officials in the case...

The impact of a productivity rise on south african gender and economy

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » SIMULATIONS: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DOHA ROUND Simulation 1 (Joint policies --combination of simulation 2 and 3 below) Simulation 2 (Tariff reduction): 100% cut in tariffs with flexible government savings and mobile labour...

Problem statement, research objectives and propositions

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Data by industries In terms of sectoral distribution, the broad lines are pretty similar to the comments made on the employment figures, with very small and small enterprises dominating in the service sector,...

Search Privacy Through Private Communication 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Search Proles It is reasonable to assume that the better a search engine is at matching the intent of the user with relevant content, then the more likely the user will be to...

The influence of Marshallian neo-classical economics on management accounting theory

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Perfect information freely available at no cost As discussed in 1.2.6, the availability of perfect information is a central theme of the neoclassical model (Samuels 1990: 9, Ashton, Hopper and Scapens 1991:4). Marshall...

Influence of cover crops Secale cereale and Lolium multiflorum on the growth of Zea mays and Cyperus esculentus under field conditions

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Maize emergence Despite previous reports that plant residues on the soil surface reduce crop emergence through mechanical resistance, reduced light reaching the soil surface, and interference with heat and water transfer between the...

Expression and perception of emotion in music performance and appreciation

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Vulnerability to PTSD Some people recover remarkably from the most harrowing experiences while others take much longer to ‘bounce back’ from extreme experiences, if they indeed ever recover fully. Regarding the roots of...

Kinetic modelling of oligomerisation over acid catalyst

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Kinetic modelling of oligomerisation over acid catalyst Kinetic modelling of the reaction rate over SPA focused on the rate of oligomerisation of short chain olefins, these include the work done by Paynter &...

CI tools and techniques for improving service delivery at DHA

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Flow of information in DHA Information is the key to effective decision making, and in order for managers to make decisions about what needs to be done, where, how, and by whom, they...

In search of the latent structure of an e-learning practitioner construct

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Human job requirement in a structured environment provided by Thomas International The results of the HJA under consideration suggest that the competences required by the jobholder should include the ability to: • Focus...