Temporary marking of unweaned southern elephant seal pups

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Analysis For analysis, only the last resight of multiple resightings of each individual within any given year was used. If an animal was sighted only once after an absence of four years and...

Postmodernity, Spirituality, and the Spirit

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Interviews Christian Fellowship is highly reflective of McCall’s personal call to mission. He observes: We have a few who are ‘along for the ride,’ those folks who are more interested in a narrower...

Measurement and correlations for solid-liquid contacting

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » LITERATURE Apart from the catalytic process itself, several mass transfer steps can influence the rate and/or selectivity of a solid catalysed gas-liquid reaction as illustrated in Figure 2.1. In packed bed gas-liquid reactors,...

The relation between the son of man and the ladder

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The one like a Son of Man came with the clouds of heaven (Dn 7:13) The one who came down from heaven with the clouds is like a “Son of Man” in Daniel’s...

Macro-economic changes and capital structure dynamics

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The Implications of the Trade-off Theory  This means that there are two categories of firms: firms whose values mainly consist of assets in place (those that Stewart et al. (2005:39) call value firms),...

Food protest: a nuanced understanding of collective action

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Forestalling the effect of interferences Very often, it seems idealistic to assert that the obligation of the state to respect the right to food proscribes it from interfering in existing access to food....

Study of structure and shape of granules produced during granulation of mixtures with addition of concentrate and micropellets

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Size of granule Granule size (distribution) is the most obvious descriptor in the granulation and sintering process. It determines the packing structure of the sinter bed, which in turn influences the bed permeability...

Christian missions encounter nso’ traditional religion

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Christian roots in African traditional religions One of the central insights of scholarship about forty years ago, was that ‘ATR’, as it has sometimes been described did not exist. However, E. B. Idowu...

Life skills education and training and the senior phase learner

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Experiential learning Rooth (1997:75) avers that experiential learning is the learning theory or philosophy that is best suited to life skills education, since it allows for learner participation and empowerment. Experiential learning is...

Freedom of expression in international human rights instruments

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Incidents Tim Gies was threatened with expulsion when he painted anti-war and anti-Bush slogans on his shirt and wore them to school while America was preparing for the war in Iraq. The matter...