Discussion of evidence collected from Swaziland and its traceability system

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » A pragmatic approach An epistemology is a theory of knowledge (Hansen, 2010); the context of this study is very much entrenched in the view of the researcher. The findings relate to the researcher’s...

Demonstration of the modelling methodology for new technology in anti-poaching operations

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Human-Machine-Organisation Interaction How the human will apply the system in the work domain has to be considered in conjunction with the technical aspects from the start of the development process, in the analysis...

Leadership in successful schools: a theoretical exposition and literature review

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » CONCEPTUALISING LEADERSHIP The 21st century has heralded in an enormous focus on educational leadership. The reason for this may be attributed to the perception that learner and school outputs are directly proportional to...

Personal motivation: empirical ethnographic experience on MACD as performance based research

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Curriculum design, pedagogy and methodology sensitivity Most of Music curriculum content in African countries still has Western art music dominating. Mwesa (2005:178) commented that “music curricula in Africa have for … decades been...

Equalization, Decoding and Joint Equalization and Decoding 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » SIMULATION RESULTS The various SISO equalizers discussed in this chapter are used as a replacement for the optimal MAP equalizer in a turbo equalizer, and the resulting turbo equalizer is simulated for a...

The effect of high temperature and high relative humidity storage on HTC defect development in cowpeas

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Involvement of phenolic compounds in the middle lamella The “phytase-mineral and mineral-pectin interaction” and “lignification” theories in HTC defect in legumes suggest formation of new interactions or bonds in the middle lamella polymers...

Pyrotechnic reaction mechanisms and kinetics

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Lead delay elements A fixed amount of mixed composition (4 g, 11 g and 11 g for Si/Pb3O4, Mn/Sb2O3 and Mn/MnO2 mixtures respectively) was poured into a 166 mm long lead tube with...

Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge model (TPCK)

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge Model (TPCK) Over the last decade the use of TPCK as a framework in educational research has increased rapidly, especially with the inclusion of ICT’s. Kihoza et al....

Analysis of data collected by means of semi-structured interview

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Written reasons In the pre-democratic era, the courts, in most cases, did not require written reasons (Burns, 1998:125). According to De Waal et al. (2001:520), a significant new requirement of the Constitution is...

Comparison of a contract of sale and contracts for the execution of works

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » COMPARISON OF A CONTRACT OF SALE AND CONTRACTS FOR THE EXECUTION OF WORKS What obscures the line between the building contract and the contract of sale is the production of the end result...