Financial management implementation in the public service

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Combining qualitative and quantitative methods There is extensive debate in social research about whether qualitative and quantitative approaches should, or even can, be combined. Some writers argue that the approaches are so different...

Recent mammal history relative to vegetation and climatic zones of Botswana

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Factors influencing species diversity A GLM repeated measures ANOVA analysis was performed to determine the influence of spatial (6 study areas each with 3 study sites), trophic (5 bait types) and temporal factors...

Families raising children attending autism-specific government-funded schools

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Study 1: Demographic characteristics and typical early management of learners attending the six autism-specific government-funded schools in SA – theoretical and clinical implications  The adverse impact of contextual factors, which include demographic factors,...

The role and importance of an afro-centric missional ecclesiology

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Hypothesis The overall purpose of this study is to utilise the South African Baptist faith heritage as interlocutor (dialogue partner) with a view to retrospective and prospective Baptist ecclesiology. Special attention will be...

The Debate around NFSB as a Psychiatric Responsibility

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Reflecting on language as an inclusion criterion Language is a contentious issue. Heidegger made reference to an expressive ontology where people find ways to disclose their social worlds (Smith & Osborn, 2009). While...

A case study on leadership and governance issues

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Advantages and disadvantages of transformational leadership According to Kuye (2010:266-267), the transformational leadership style brings the following advantages: the charisma in leadership provides vision and sense of mission, instils pride, gains respect and...

The perceptions of communal cattle farmers living at the wildlife‐livestock interface

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Major perceived constraints Respondents in the ZR were asked to state what they considered to be the most important constraints to cattle farming experienced in their area. All responses were categorised and summarised...

Biological activity of the isolated compounds and structure elucidation

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Manufacturing of herbal drugs It cannot be emphasized strongly enough that herbs in their medicinal sense are drugs. Certain special interest groups continually emphasize their point of view that medicinal herbs are foods...

A Change Management Perspective on the Case Study  

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Orlikowski and Hofman’s improvisational model of change management Orlikowski (1996) proposes a perspective on change, which she terms ‘a situated change perspective’. This perspective opposes the planned change perspective described in the previous...

The new testament’s treatment of jews and judaism

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Resurrection versus immortality of the soul There are two books that survey the history of Jewish thought on the afterlife. Neil Gillman’s The death of death, was published in 1997. Leila Leah Bronner’s...