Ancestry differences and secular trends in anthropometric stature

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Ancestry differences and secular trends in the anthropometric lower limb proportions of South African black and white females Ancestry differences in lower limb proportions The mean crural index ([leg length/thigh length] x100), total...

The law in the lutheran church of uganda: phenomenological study

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Meanings of the significant statements  The Law is preached whenever the Gospel is preached because Law goes hand in hand with Gospel.  The Law must be preached in every sermon in...

Ethnobotanical use of plants to manage candidiasis and related infections

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » TLC fingerprinting analysis Chromatograms of 14 plant species extracted with solvents of different polarities hexane, acetone, methanol and water, and developed in BEA, CEF, EMW and FAWE solvent systems are shown in Fig.4.1.The...

Improving the quality of quality assurance work in higher education institutions

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Work of external examiners in determining quality External examiners are faculty, supposedly of higher standing, who are drawn from other institutions so that they mark end-of-term (semester) or end-of-year examinations and critically assess...

Layered double hydroxide derivatives as flame retardant for flexible PVC

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Synthesis of LDH and hydromagnesite The layered double hydroxide (LDH) [Mg0.667Al0.333(OH)2](CO3)0.167⋅mH2O] was synthesised according to the method described by Labuschagné et al. (24). The procedure was as follows: The Al(OH)3 and light MgO...

Legal accountability fora and their mechanisms

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Structure of the Study This research consists of six chapters. Chapter 1: Emergence of A Legal Paradigm of Accountability in International Institution Law: The Case of IFIs This chapter conceptualises accountability as a...

Applying ubuntu to the challenges of South African land reform

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Land redistribution This programme is not linked to a time limit as it endeavours to revise land holding patterns in South Africa by enabling non-White citizens through a grant system to acquire White-owned...

Leadership paradigms, theories and employee development

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » SAMPLE This research was done at South Africa‟s largest open, distance-learning institution with a staff complement of approximately 4 500. This institution has over 300 000 00 active students in and outside the...

Teaching and learning within the HE environment

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Student /content (or learner/content) “In dialogue, two or more people exchange ideas and beliefs… Dialogue therefore becomes an essential feature of their [students] making meaning and constructing knowledge... Similarly, learning from text involves...

The relationship between personal and farm characteristics and production efficiency

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY In Lesotho, a predominantly small scale farming country, the average yield for maize is about 0.5tons/ha whilst the national average in South Africa is 2.73 tons/ha all very much...