Determination of functionality of hydroxytelechelic natural rubber

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Crystallization Crystallization in polymers is promoted by linearity, close and regular fit of polymer chains, strong intermolecular forces, and stiff units in the chain which restrict rotation. In many ways the effect of...

Important Considerations on Historical Inquiry Pertaining to the Truth in Ancient Texts 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The Historical Bedrock Pertaining to Jesus’ Fate  knowledge, engaged in the most comprehensive investigation of the facts pertaining to the resurrection of Jesus. Although he has provided lists of varying lengths in the...

Synthesis and characterization of natural rubber support of dimethylphosphonate polymer grafts

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Vulcanization systems Crosslinking of the rubber phase in heterogeneous blends of thermoplastic and rubber components takes place by introducing of curing agents during the mixing process. This causes crosslinking reactions with formation of...

Cosmic Ray Dosimetry

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Indirect acceleration Second order Fermi acceleration In this model Fermi proposed that CRs are accelerated through encounters with moving magnetic clouds. When a particle enters a cloud it changes its energy: it can...

Phytochemical study of launaea arborescens (butt.) murb

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » PHYTOCHEMICAL STUDY OF HALOPHILA STIPULACEA (FORSSKÁL) ASCHERS Botanical and systematic description The seagrass Halophila stipulacea is one of the marine species which have entered in the Mediterranean from the Red Sea since the...

Gravitation and Gauge Theory in the Non Commutative Geometry Formalism

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Non-commutative gravity and applications The standard concept of space-time as a geometric manifold is based on the notion of a manifold whose points are locally labeled by a finite number of real coordinates....

Préparation and characterization of transition métal silicides (-FeSi II)

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Computer Simulation TRIM The widely used TRIM (transport of ions in matter) simulation program describes the path of an incident projectile as a series of binary collisions with target atoms at rest. Thermal...

Importance of the forestry sector to National and Household economy

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » LUCC studies in Ethiopia Excessive LUC, especially forest conversion to both large-scale and small-scale agriculture by investors and small-scale farmers, is observed in the country and specifically in the SNNPR, where large tracts...

Extension of nuclear vibron model

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The clustering phenomenon The formation of clusters is a fundamental aspect of nuclear many body dynamics together with the formation of mean field. Clustering aspects appear abundantly in many problems in both nuclear...

Modeling of gs dg mosfet in linear and saturation region

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » MINIATURIZATION EFFECTS Producing MOSFETs with channel lengths much smaller than a micrometer is a challenge, and the difficulties of semiconductor device fabrication are always a limiting factor in advancing integrated circuit technology. In...