Chain Management as Integrated and Multi-Disciplinary Approach

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Inadequate Access to Capital Gabagambi (2003) and URT (2005) contend that liberalisation of financial sector necessitated Co-operative and Rural Development Bank (CRDB) which was established for serving farmers to shift its priorities away...

Evolution of Mysticism – From the Vedic Period to the Vedanta

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » CHAPTER FOUR Vedantic Analysis of the Inner Being : Its Implications for Mystical Development PaiichakoSas: Important Theme ofTaittiriya Upanishad How does Hinduism view the inner nature of the human person? This 'inner nature'...

Students’ Perception of Quality of Teaching and Learning in HE

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Students’ Perceptions of the Significance of Peace Studies Kester (2013) outlines the bodies and key HE institutions that have contributed to peace studies globally as the University for Peace, University of Bradford; George...

Relationship between T V S-partial cone metric spaces, dislocated

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Partial metric type structures and Lipschitzian mappings The notion of metric type structure was originally developed and studied by Khamsi [22] in 2010 as a generalization of metric spaces. Inspired and motivated by...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Data collection Data for the qualitative component of the study were collected using individual in-depth interview of students. A Digital audio recorder was used to capture the whole interview of each of the...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Social marketing Alcalay and Bell (2000) note that social marketing as an academic field traces its roots back to the famous question of Wieb (1952-1679): “Why can’t you sell brotherhood like you sell...

The ecology of distance learning – an overview

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Open distance e-learning In April 2012 Unisa published a report on a new organisational architecture for the university. It proposed a radical shift in the way Unisa interacts with students and suggested an...

Teacher Cognition and English Curriculum Implementation in Kenya

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Teacher Cognition Teacher cognition encompasses the mental lives of teachers, how they are formed, what they consist of, and how the teachers’ beliefs, thoughts and thinking processes shape their understanding of teaching and...

Curriculum Documents for the adult education programme

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Managing the learning experience Although andragogy is the “art and science of helping adults learn” (Knowles, 1980:41), most of the delivery models are not very different from the traditional pedagogical practice. The teacher‟s...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Small states and major international organizations Small island states are currently a well-accepted sub-group in the international system. Acknowledging this, the UN chose Small Island Developing States as one of four specific themes...