The Oil Clean-up Industry

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » How the Oil Spill Disaster Underlines the Oil Clean-up Industry’s Potential as a Business Sector The national commission’s (2011) report clearly indicates, that the most controversial part of technology discussion, was the decision...

Collaborative Value Creation (CVC) Framework

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) There are many definitions of CSR. However, the tool to reach a sustainable development is most commonly denoted, both among scholars and among practitioners, on a relatively 8 consistent...

The Multinational Corporations of the Climate Council

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Cross-Sector Social Partnership To believe that an organization is like an island, without any interplay with other actors, is in today's business climate unrealistic. According to Parmigiani and Rivera-Santos (2011), partnerships are a...

The Strategic Triangle

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Cognitive Style “Cognitive style is a person's preferred way of gathering, processing, and evaluating information” (Hayes & Alison, 1998, p. 850). According to this definition, the cognitive style affects how an individual perceive...

lean thinking to business processes

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » From mass production to lean production According to Srinivasan (2004), the first automobile manufacturing in the world were two Frenchmen, Rene Panhard and Emil Levassor, who obtained a license to build engines from...

Supply Chain Management (SCM)

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Purchasing Management Purchasing has two main objectives, one is to purchase for resale, and the other one is to purchase for consumption or for transformation (Dobler, Burt & Lee, 1990; cited in Quayle...

Modelling of tensile deformation curve

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The component studied The component studied in this thesis is a CH11 cylinder head from a Volvo truck diesel engine, weighing in at around 220 kg. It is cast in grey iron with...

Findings of the conducted survey to the German population

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Effects of COO on the Country Studies by Hong and Wyer (1989), as well as Johansson, Douglas, Srikatanyoo and Gnoth (2002) and Nonaka (1985) show that consumer product evaluations with relation to the...

RFID receiving systems at Paramount farms

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Radio Frequency Identification The RFID concept first emerged as a military technology during the 2nd world war, as a way of identifying friendly aircrafts using radar echo. The technology has developed and gone...

Connection between aim and theory

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Theoretical framework Connection between aim and theory To do relevant conclusions about how to test and evaluate the wheel, this study will refer to three theories. Theory 2.2, EN-1888 Irregular surface test, is...