Soil moisture and its importance/measurements

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Soil moisture and its importance Soil moisture The soil medium is often divided into three phases consisting of liquid, gaseous, and solid phases. Soil matter, the sum of the mineral matter and the...

Service Discovery and Access in CarrierWi-Fi Networks 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Personalized and Seamless Access to Wi-Fi Services In this contribution, we present a solution to provide a personalized and seamless access to venue-based services offered through public Wi-Fi networks. Our objective is to...

New TDOA approach using communication signals 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Wireless display, distribution of HDTV, high quality audio and wireless docking It has been a while since high data digital video (HDTV) penetrated in almost every home. HD video can be transmitted via...

Performance Evaluation of WiGig in an indoor Off-Body Communication

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » 60 GHz Wireless Communications In the past years, millimeter wave (mm-wave) technology has mainly been used for military applications. However, with the progress in manufacturing and in low-cost integration solutions, a great deal...

A Passive Information Filtering System for Communities of a Place

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Lack of User Input: Cold Start and Sparsity of Data In this section, we present the work about the open problems in designing information filtering systems. In particular we consider two of open...

Avoided communication versus memory requirements and redundant flops of the ILU0 matrix powers kernel

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Tall and skinny QR (TSQR) The QR factorization of an n ˆ t matrix P is its decomposition into an n ˆ t orthogonal matrix Q (QtQ “ I) and a t ˆ...

Probing Andreev States in superconducting atomic contacts

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Escape driven by an asymmetric noise The goal of this section is to explain how the escape out of the zero- voltage state of a Josephson junction can be used to probe noise,...

Toric grammars and communication models 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » A roadmap towards a communication model We will use toric grammars as intermediate steps to define the transition probabilities of our communication model on texts. To this purpose, we will first introduce some...

WiSeBat: Accurate Energy Benchmarking of Wireless Sensor Networks 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Physical Layer Modeling In a WSN, messages are sent with a radio transceiver on a shared medium. In this context, modeling the way the signal propagates is crucial to evaluate how the message...

Bandwidth sharing networks are useful outside communication networks

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Direct equations of queueing theory Queueing theory studies the dynamics of stochastic processes in a network of queueing stations, such as queue sizes, losses and delays, as a function of certain parameters. These...