Cell metabolism and Phospholipid biosynthesis

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Cell metabolism and Phospholipid biosynthesis Outline This Chapter is mainly focused on the cell metabolism as a vital cellular process and on the phospholipids which are the major component of biolog-ical membranes. We...

Formal Derivation and Stability Analysis of Boundary Layer Models in MHD

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Derivation of the dimensionless MHD equations We first remind here the classical derivation of the dimensional MHD system, following for instance [24]. We will notably discuss the appropriate boundary conditions. We will then...

Existing soilborne pest, plant epidemic and crop rotation mathematical models

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Adaptive Random Search on the simplex The adaptive random search (ARS) algorithm consists in exploring a given bounded space, by alternating variance-selection and variance-exploitation phases [72, 148]. It will be used in Algorithm...

Weighted Lasso k-means distortion and consistency

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Term A : Complexity of the model Term A in inequality (2.2) is at first sight the dominant term in the expression ©(±). The upper bound we obtain below is rather accurate, due...

Minimal risk resolution in the class Bs2∞ and convergence rates

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Haar and direct evaluation at dyadic rationals The Haar wavelet (D2N,N = 1) is not suitable for a gradient computation, empirical or theoretical ; the histogram variation (projection on the space Vj spanned...

Quantization and regression-type methods for MDPs. Application to market making and Mckean-Vlasov control problems

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Training points design We discuss here the choice of the training measure and the sets (􀀀n)n=0;:::;N􀀀1 used to compute the numerical approximations in Regression Monte Carlo and Quantization. Two cases are considered in...

Market makers inventories and price pressure: theory and multi-platform empirical evidences

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The Information content of high-frequency traders aggressive orders: recent evidences In this chapter, we answer Question 2: Do HFTs trade opportunely when they use aggressive orders? We present some evidence concerning the impact...

Noise and solitons: nonlinear partial differential equations with random initial conditions

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Rapidly oscillating random perturbations We consider in this section the case of initial conditions perturbed with a rapidly oscillating random process. We prove that for both the NLS and KdV equations the behavior...

Pulse Propagation and Time Reversal in Shallow-Water Acoustic Random Waveguides 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » High-Frequency Approximation to Coupled Power Equations In this section we give, under the assumption that nearest neighbor coupling is the main power transfer mechanism, an approximation of the solution of the coupled power...

Generalities on first order ordinary differential equations

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Compound Poisson process Compound Poisson processes can be viewed as a generalization of the Poisson process. The Poisson process assumes the events to arrive one at a time, this assumption is relaxed in...