Computational higher-order logics

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Formalization of mathematics Formalizing various mathematical theories inside proof systems requires a lot of work, because we need to detail the proofs much more than on paper, but it also increases our confidence....

The Classical List Decoding Framework for Finite Rings 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The Classical List Decoding Framework for Finite Rings Context In this part we extend the Guruswami-Sudan algorithm to generalized Reed-Solomon codes over nite rings with identity and we study its complexity. Let A...

New expansion formulas in local volatility models 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Application context and overview of different computational ap-proaches In the two last decades, numerous works have been devoted to designing efficient methods in order to give exact or approximative pricing formulas for many...

Vortex breakdown and its applications

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Mathematical model As mentioned in the Introduction, the aim of the present study is to shed light on the physical behavior and stability characteristics of vortex breakdown in an open flow. The current...

Gravitational wave solution to the vacuum linearized Einstein equations 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » LISA and space-based interferometry The LISA project is a space-based gravitational detector project led by the ESA together with NASA2. In its current design [29], this detector is made of 3 spacecraft forming...

Mathematical formulations for 3D linear piezoelectricity

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Proposed enhanced Euler-Bernoulli model This section presents an original coupled Euler-Bernoulli model where the electromechanical constitutive coefficients account for the influence of the cross-warping and the induced electric potential. To this end I...

Games and Population Protocols

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Population Protocols Population Protocols were introduced by Angluin et al. ([2]) as a theoretical model aim-ing at capturing the behaviour of networks of interacting resource-limited passively-mobile agents. Agents are identically programmed mobile finite...

Physics joins probability: all you need for optimal estimation A selection of high-dimensional problems 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Critical treatment of previous approaches In this section, we briefly sketch the computation of [KKM+16], and detail which approximations  used in this work are actually not valid in the thermodynamic limit. The authors...

3dN = 4 Superconformal Theories and type IIB Supergravity Duals 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Mirror and Global Symmetry Three-dimensional N = 4 theories are characterized by Mirror symmetry [78] [45]. This is a particular symmetry which exchanges the Higgs with the Coulomb branch of two theories, exchanges...

Symmetries of the WNT equations in full-space and some considerations in half-space 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Determinantal and Pfaffian point processes In this Section, we shall review the very basic properties of Determinantal and Pfaffian point processes required to understand the recent developments on the exact solutions to the...