Nature and definition of government organization and auditing

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CHAPTER FOUR Data Analysis

Since the data used in this work were mostly collected through questionnaires (primary source) from eighty-two questionnaires administered to various levels of workers of Federal Mortgage bank Nigeria.
The questionnaire is divided into 2 sections. The first section contains general questions. Section 2 contains questions for the management and staff of the company.
An attempt is made to present and critically analyses the response to the question raised in the questionnaire of the eighty-two questionnaire questionnaires administered, fifty has been received as at the time of this analysis. The fate of the remaining thirty-two not yet returned is unknown.
However,the  researcher‟s  analysis  is  based  on  the completed  and  returned  questionnaires  and  information done under the following headings.

  • Presentation and analysis of data
  • Testing of hypotheses
  • Findings

Presentations and Analysis of Data

As already stated, eighty-two questionnaires were administered out of which fifty were completed and returned thus, putting the return rate at about 61%.
Analysis of data: Personal data.
This  table  reveal  that  most  of  the  respondent  were male, having a greater percentage value (76%)  than women.
Marital Status Table
The table above shows that most of the respondents were married. That is the percentage of married respondents is higher than that of the single ones.
Age Distribution Table
The table above shows that the respondents between the ages of 20-40 give the highest percentage.
They all stated that they have worked with the bank for various length of years of which those who have worked between 5-10 yrs give the highest percentage.
Question eight sought to know if auditors are truly independent in carrying out their audit work. Table 4.1.6 show the distribution of the responses It can be interpreted to mean that 35 to of 50 respondents (70%) are of the view that the auditors are not truly independent in carrying out their audit work while 15% are f the view that auditors are truly independent in carrying out their audit work.
Tables 4.1.7 shows the distribution of the respondents to question 9 which sought to know if auditors are been by treated and intimidated when carrying out their audit work.
From the table above 68% of the respondent view that treat and intimidation does not negatively affect while the remaining 32% think otherwise and these will be used in hypotheses Question 10 was put forth to know if any person has been prosecuted  following  audit  report.  Table  4.1.8  show  the response.
It shows that 82% of the respondents believe that no persons have been prosecuted which 18% says yes some persons has been prosecuted.
Then question 12 sought to know if accounts personnel are skilled  enough for their job .
It can be interpreted to mean that 6 out of 50 respondents (12%) are of the view that the accounts personnel are skilled enough while 44 respondents (88%) state that the personnel‟s being employed for accounting work are not.
Tables 4.1.9 Shows the distribution of the respondents to question 13 which sought to know if the accounts personnel have accounting knowledge.
From the table above 12 (24%) respondents says that the accounts  personnel  have  knowledge  of  accounting  while 38(76%) says they don‟t Question 14 sought to know if poor professional conduct by auditors do not affect the quality of work done by auditors in government establishment.
From the table above 40 respondents out of 50 states that poor professional conduct by auditors do not have positive effect while10 out of 50 respondents state that poor professional conduct has positive effect on the quality, of work done by auditors in government establishment.
Question fifteen sought to know in the respondent opinion if payment vouchers are properly kept through out the accounting period.
From the table 72% of the respondents agree that payment vouchers are properly kept while the remaining 28% thought otherwise.
Question sixteen sought to know if records of payments are properly maintained and always checked by an independent person.
Table 4.1.12 shows the response of payments are properly maintained From the table 45 (90%) respondents says yes while the remaining 5(10%) says No.
Question seventeen sought to know if there are limits to the amount that can be paid through petty cash account.
From the table 17(34%) respondents says there are limits to the amount paid through petty cash account while 33(66%) says there are no limits.
Question eighteen (18) sought to know if all petty cash payments are always backed up with properly authorized and approved vouchers.
From the table above 47(94%) says that vital documents needed for the audit work are sometimes being held from the auditors while 3 (6%) says that no information is being held from them.

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Testing of Hypothesis Table of Relationship of Questions to Hypothesis Table.

Each of the hypothesis will be tested by using responses from questionnaires collected.
Hypothesis I:
Ho: (Null hypothesis): Financial reports submitted are not in consonance with the transactions carried out by the government establishment.
Hi: (Alternative hypothesis): financial reports submitted are in consonance with the transactions carried out by the government establishment.

Cover page
Title page
Approval page
Table of contents
CHAPTER ONE Introduction 
1.1-Background of the study
1.2-Statement of the problem
1.3-Purpose of the study
1.4-Research questions
1.5-Research hypothesis
1.6-Significance of the study
1.7-Scope and limitation of the study
1.8-Definition of terms
CHAPTER TWO Review of related literature 
2.1-Nature of auditing
2.2-Features of auditing
2.3-Auditors report
2.4-Types of audit
2.5-Duties of auditors
2.6-Objectives of auditing
2.7Appointment of auditors
2.8-Rights of an auditor
2.9-Classification of study
2.10-Advantages of auditing
2.11-Nature and definition of government organization and auditing
2.12-Audit objectives with respect to government organization
2.13-Prospects of auditing in government organization
2.14-Historical development of federal mortgage bank
CHAPTER THREE -Research methodology
3.2-Research design
3.3-Arear of study
3.4-Population of the study
3.5-Sample and sampling technique
3.6-Questionnaire design and distribution
3.7-sources of data
3.8-instrument for data collection.
3.9-Method of data analysis
3.10-Validity and reliability of instrument
CHAPTER FOUR -Data presentation and analysis 
4.1-Presentation and Analysis of data
4.2-Testing of hypothesis
CHAPTER FIVE-Summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation
 Questionnaire

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