Private Ownership of a Cultural Event: Do Attendees Perceive it as a Risky Lottery? 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Nudges and policy making Understanding the reasons for people s behaviour is vital for policy making. People often behave short-sighted when it comes to environment protection as they tend to underestimate the future...

Design of a simulation process to fit a power network behavior

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Network theory approaches The dynamics of cascading are related to statistical topological properties of networks inspired by the Internet. The cascading failure has similar features to a power system grid, but the models...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » DEVELOPMENT OF THE AUTOMATION SYSTEMS FOR HYDROPOWER PLANTS Therefore, the hydropower has being given high priority in the global energy development strategies. In developed countries, over 80% of reserve waterpower has been harnessed...

Origins of the OSeMOSYS model

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » State of Affairs in Chile Country Context History Chile is a was one of Latin America’s fastest growing economies over the past decade, and has reduced the population living under the poverty line...

Basic Requirements and Discretionary Assessment

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The Directives CRD IV CRD IV mainly deals with capital requirements, largely following the rules and standards included in the global Basel II and Basel III frameworks. 2 The directive lays down rules...

The beginning of Behavioral Economics

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » CRE Valuation Theory The purpose of this part is to provide the theory on Commercial Real Estate (CRE) and real estate valuation in general. First of all, the purpose and definitions of valuation...

An autonomic platform for managing configuration vulnerabilities

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Technological evolution Over the last decade, novel methods in engineering and electronics, non-expensive construc-tion materials, and enhanced methodologies for large-scale production have arisen, triggering a massive flood of disparate powerful hardware with different...

Using EVT as ethical deliberation

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Ethical decision-making In more common applications an instance of decision making tries to emulate reasoning based on objective quantifiable concepts that are connected by logical relationships. Every bit of care is taken for...

An affordable humanoid robot peer platform for Human Robot Interaction studies 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Socially shared regulation model(SSRL) Skills and competencies expected out of a learner in the 21st-century Brantsch et al. (2008) have transformed greatly since information has become more accessible, abundant and diverse. The new...

Forest-based Methods and Ensemble Model Output Statistics for Rainfall Ensemble Forecasting

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Renewable energy growth In the recent years, the energy transition has been on the forefront of political and societal issues, mainly due to the increasing awareness of the need to maintain climate change...