Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Rankine cycle The Rankine cycle is a closed two-phase thermodynamic power generation process that is commonly used in power plants such as coal-fired power plants or nuclear reactors.4 The Rankine cycle is the...

Simulation Design To The Encounter Bottleneck Moment 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The universal rule of Process Three universal rules apply to all systems (Sánchez 2018). The bottleneck law, Little's law, and the law of differences/variation all have an impact on operations. • Bottleneck law:...

Solar energy harvesting through thermoelectric effect

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Thermoelectric coupling effect and energy harvesting Thermoelectric effect The thermoelectric effaect indicates that the thermal diffusion of the charge carriers in the thermoelectric material can generate electricity while an applied flow of charge...

Development of a Reliable and a Two-Way Communication Framework

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The Building Blocks of Lean ‘’ Value North ’’ In the following lines we are outlining the basic principles that guide the implementation of lean and underlie the value benefits that derive from...

Environmental impacts of the Moroccan off-season tomato production and delivery

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The inventory scheme depends on the impact assessment method The ISO 14046 specifies that the inventory of water elementary flows shall include inputs and outputs from each unit process being part of the...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » BIM SOFTWARE & DATA MODELS “CAD helps people to draw. BIM helps people to construct.” - Richard Saxon Previous studies show that the cooperation between professionals during the process contains the average of...

Intensity and scale effects for environmental impacts of French and Brazilian poultry production scenarios: an LCA approach

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » BRAZILIAN AND FRENCH POULTRY INDUSTRIES: GLOBALIZATION APPROACH Agriculture contributes to the development and maintenance of rural areas both in Europe and in emerging countries (van der Werf and Petit, 2002). In this context,...

Estimation of the triggering stage and detection of all potential morphogenic events

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Hydraulic principles behind the rating curve The hydraulic relation between discharge and stage is determined by hydraulic controls. They are classied into two main categories: the section controls, characterised by critical ow conditions...

Reassessing forest products demand functions in Europe using a panel co-integration approach

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Fibre-based products Wood-based panels are made of lower value raw material such as forest residues and can thus be produced at lower price than solid wood products (Rivela et al., 2006, 2007). Over...

Groundwater control of biogeochemical processes causing phosphorus release from riparian wetlands

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The P dilemma: too much vs. too little Despite the predictable oncoming of global P resources scarcity, the use efficiency of P fertilizers is still too low, with only 15-30% of the applied...