Current methods of business assessment

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » BUSINESS TURNAROUND The turnaround concept is not new to business. The term “turnaround” needs to be clarified as various applications exist; for example, in the United States of America, the shut-down and repair...

Optimal scheduling of household appliances with battery storage and coordination 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » DR policy framework For coordinated and optimal operation of any DR program, a robust and coherent policy framework is required. The purpose of this framework is to manage all assets and acquired services...

Optimal control of a fuel cell/wind/pv/grid hybrid system with thermal heat pump load

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Baseline and optimal energy costs The daily energy and cost savings are presented in Table 4.2. Baseline cost is the bill which the hotel pays in the case study before the OC intervention...

Background to the case study and profile of local government

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Achievements in Local government  According to Zegeye and Maxted (2003:67) Massive strides have been made transforming local government since 1994 and more recently since 2000. The ANC-led government has primarily driven this change...

Epidemiology of malocclusion in other countries – defined by the dental aesthetic index

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » THE DENTAL AESTHETIC INDEX (DAI) Although a number of classifications and indices have been suggested for characterisation of dento-facial anomalies, only a few have been adopted for general use outside the country of...

Autochthonous canine babesiosis in the Netherlands

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Pathogenesis of Ehrlichiosis and / or Anaplasmosis Disease manifestations caused by members of the E. canis genogroup (genogroup III) infecting dogs can be indistinguishable (Breitschwerdt et al., 1998) and there can be strain...

A multi-dimensional measure of poverty using the fuzzy approach

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » DEFINITION OF POVERTY The definition of poverty is very complex. A definition is difficult to formulate because poverty means different things to different people. Some people may define poverty as a lack of...

Agricultural inputs in partial equilibrium models

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Policy Environment South African agriculture has undergone major policy changes since the early 1980s. A complete summary of these changes is extensively discussed in Kirsten et al., (1994), Van Zyl et al., (2001),...

Blended learning tools that can positively influence the key success

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » NATURE OF THE STUDY This study was exploratory by nature and, therefore, this research was mostly interpretive. According to Cohen, Manion and Morrison (2007), interpretivist research begins with individuals and how they understand...

Measurement of long-term transpiration and transpiration coefficients in citrus orchards  

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Introduction and structure of thesis The genus Citrus (family Rutaceae) is a range of fruits which includes oranges, mandarins, tangerines, tangelos, clementines, satsumas, lemons, limes, and grapefruits (Syvertsen and Lloyd, 1994; Carr, 2012)....