Studies focused on HR Practices linked to business success

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Participants and Sampling Participants and sampling for the study required an understanding of the primary objective; i.e. to determine the current status and application of HR metrics, reporting and insight into HR accounting...

The services marketing mix of higher education institutions

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » THE PHYSICAL EVIDENCE STRATEGY OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS The intangible nature of services makes it difficult for students to evaluate the service before they have received it. It is therefore important in services...

Profile and membership patterns of older people in indigenous community associations

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Social Institutions Social institutions have been variously defined. Ball (2004), for example, defines them as a structure of behavioural and interrelationship arrangements that are profoundly knitted as well as durable. Such institutions operate...

Life skills education and training and the senior phase learner

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Experiential learning Rooth (1997:75) avers that experiential learning is the learning theory or philosophy that is best suited to life skills education, since it allows for learner participation and empowerment. Experiential learning is...

The Charismatic Movement in Bushbuckridge: A Historical Synopsis

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » THE ROOTS OF THE CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT The Charismatic Movement emerged as a distinctive movement for the first time during the late 1950s and early 1960s (Anderson 2004:144). Stronstad (1984:1) describes Charismatics as children...

Development and description of a model for incorporating “indigenous” postnatal care practices into midwfery healthcare system

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The interview process On arrival at the setting for different population groups for focus groups and indepth individual interviews, the researcher greeted the participants with a smile, demonstrating a warm welcome to build...

Historical spatial mapping and tools used for analysis

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Complexity of e-interactions in the urban space networks The first aspect of ICT in urban space relates to the complexity of this emerging technology. While the advancements in ICT in urban communities are...

The conqueror motif reflected in the christological perspective

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The white stone The meaning of the white stone is difficult to define because a lot of suggestions have been rds. According to Louw & Nida (1993:1.24), the context suggests that “this is...

The characteristics of Resheph and the named angels in Israelite religion

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Roles of messenger deities in Ugaritic literature As Cho (2007:137) has observed, it would seem that all the deities other than El were generally identified as lesser deities, and that these deities had...

Background to the case study and profile of local government

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Achievements in Local government  According to Zegeye and Maxted (2003:67) Massive strides have been made transforming local government since 1994 and more recently since 2000. The ANC-led government has primarily driven this change...