Honeymoon and Divorce Cases

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Bottlenecks with energy storage: Li-Ion battery Li-Ion battery could be used for many power system applications, however, there are various bottlenecks associated with Li-Ion battery and energy storage in general. Firstly, energy storage...

Classification and Localization Predictions with Deformable Parts

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Weakly Supervised Learning Despite excellent performances, deep ConvNets carry limited invariance proper-ties, i.e. small shift invariance through pooling layers (Weng et al. 1992; Durand, Thome, et al. 2015; Shang et al. 2016; Blot...

Performance Assessment of Algorithm Selectors

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Personalizing Performance Regression Models to Black-Box Optimization Problems [GECCO’21b] This paper focuses on analyzing the possibility of personalizing performance regression models to specific types of optimization problems. Accurately predicting the performance of different...

Brief overview of features from time series analysis

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Temporal pattern mining - Rule discovery Rule discovery aims to relate patterns in a time series to other patterns from the same time series or others [Das et al., 1998]. One approach is...

Adaptive cost-sensitive feature acquisition – Recurrent Neural Network Approach

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Integration of the budget constraint during inference: Feature Selection / Feature Acquisition This setting considers the case where, during inference, the inputs have missing features, and most of the time, no given feature...

Distinctive expansion of cognitive networks into the visual cortex in the blind Abstract

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Behavioral consequences of blindness Throughout history, philosophers - and later scientists - were intrigued by blindness and its consequences on human behavior. The blind had inspired reflections on the mental representation of the...

Study of issues related to reasoning components of the knowledge based medical decision support systems

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Aim, objectives and method Aim of the research The research aims at identifying the design issues related to the knowledge bases of medical decision support systems. Objectives The following objectives have been achieved...

Mixing Data Center and CDN for Delivery 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Live Video Streaming Traffic Studies Many papers have studied video network bandwidth usage over the Internet.  In particular, the authors of [IP11] have dealt with more than five years of users web traffic...

The Common Pitfalls in the Fuzzy Front-End

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Literature Review The present chapter has the objective of examining the relevant literature to form a solid base for identifying the issues that this research is concerned with. After defining project management, in...

Principles and Latitudes of Employment

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Definition of Terms In order to clarify key terms applied in this thesis, asylum seeker stands for a person seeking protection in a foreign state under the asylum procedure (The Finnish Immigration Service,...