Education and women empowerment disparities in Afghanistan 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Father versus mother’s education Parental education is key determinant that influence children’s schooling decision (De Haan, 2011; Pufall et al., 2016). Educated parents put more emphasis on the education of their children as...

Mega-Constellations and the Commercial Space

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » BACKGROUND ON SATELLITE SYSTEMS Before delving into the consequences of satellite mega-constellations, it is vital first to grasp what satellites are and what they are consist of. As a result, by explaining the...

Groundwater Storage Variations in North China from GRACE 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Terrestrial Water Storage Variations from GRACE As a major component of global water cycle, terrestrial water is defined as an integrated mea-sure of all forms of water stored on and below the surface...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Description and diffusion of the ISO 9000 standards The idea that standards should be used to support both social and economic regulations emerged during the late 19th century and early 20th century. The...

Assessing Household Financial Vulnerability using Machine Learning

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Financial inclusion and development: What do we know? There has been an increased focus on the importance of financial inclusion, and it is generally believed that financial inclusion can play an important role...

Improve the spatio-temporal resolution of MODIS LST data: radar-based SMP

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Sites and in situ data description Study areas The Tensift Haouz region is situated in the Midwest Morocco-North Africa (Fig. II.1), covers 4.4% of the Moroccan territory (24 000 km2). This area is...

Contribution to Bioavailability Study of Mineral Dust from Patagonia and Namibia

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Dust transport and deposition in the Southern Ocean Figure 7 : Vertical distribution of the meridional mean annual dust concentration (µg.m-3) over the Southern Ocean between 50°S and 75°S based on modelling results....

Morphological species and cryptic diversity in planktonic foraminifera

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Advantages of the GITC* In addition to preserving the shell (Figure 3), the GITC* protocol has several advantages. It does not require any sophisticated equipment in the field and allows rapid isolation of...

Punctual small scale physical processes observed during MOUTON 2007 and their academic studies. 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Mesoscale physical processes influence marine ecosystems. As seen above, several spatio-temporal scales occur in the ocean. Here we focus on the mesoscale and submesoscale processes that have a tremendous importance in the current...

Evaluation of cytotoxicity and antiviral activity by cell viability

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Sugars In general, total sugars were abundant components compared to proteins, phenols, and flavonoids (Hao et al. 2019). In the last decades, sulfated polysaccharides from algae have attracted much attention as functional additives...