Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » CHAPTER 3: CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS OF E-GOVERNANCE PROJECTS Introduction According to Heeks (2008, p. 26), “Economic, social, and political life in the 21st century will be increasingly digital, and those without ICTs will...

National response to the HIV pandemic, in particular for OVC

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Theoretical framework The theoretical framework of institutional theory was selected related to and as a way to make the findings in this study explicit. Institutional theory will be presented with particular focus on...

Criticism against Efficient Market Hypothesis

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Technical analysis The concept of technical analysis is over 100 years old, examples of this is the Dow Theory (Brock et al., 1992) and the Japanese Candlestick Charts, which was first...

Family capital influence on internationalisation

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Frame of references Internationalisation Internationalisation is the process of transferring a company’s operations abroad (Fernandez & Nieto, 2005). Johanson and Vahlne (1977) describe internationalisation as a business pro-cess, where a company increases its...

How are the companies using environmental values in their marketing communication?

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Methodology In my analysis I used semiotics in order to identify words or images with connotations towards environmental or market values. I also looked for certain rhetorical tools used in the texts and...

Strategies and Definitions of Postponement

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Empirical Findings In this chapter, the authors will present the empirical data collected during the interviews. The data was col-lected from four Swedish retailers, all applying e-commerce, with the respondents having distinct positions...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Theoretical Framework This chapter encapsulates the most relevant and important theoretical frameworks that will be included in this thesis. In addition, this chapter is associated with the purpose of this thesis, as well...

Supply of Experience Goods

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Theoretical Framework This section discusses the definition of branding and how it is associated to experience goods. Followed by looking into both demand and supply of experience goods and ser-vices. In the later...

National Strategy for eHealth

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Theoretical framework By the extensive literature review, the authors present a conceptual framework in this chap-ter. The content of this chapter will include key concepts like eHealth, innovation and HIS, relevant theories derived...

Morpheme studies and natural acquisition orders

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Chapter Two: Analysing IL Grammars “The fundamental problem for a theory of syntax is to characterize the mapping between semantic predicate-argument relationships and surface word order and phrase configurations by which they are...