Enterprise Resource Planning Software

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » USERS NEXANS IKO SWEDEN AB Company Overview Nexans company is located in Grimsas, Sweden. They work with Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and local markets in Sweden. In the automobile sector they sell...

Motivation for ERP adoption

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Costs and Return of Investment The large ERP providers have made many promises, but many user companies are still asking, “what’s the payoff?’ The answer is still unclear. Implementing wall-to-wall software is not...

Tools used by the respondents to govern the investment

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Convertible equity This section is based on data gathered through personal communication (Industrifonden, 2007-12-03; SEB VC, 2007-12-04; STF, 2007-12-05; Sting Capital, 2007-12-06; Scandinavian Financial Mgt, 2007-12-10 & VTT, 2007-12-10). Four of the respondents,...

Internal Milk-run Distribution System

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » JIT JIT has an increased amount of so called supermarket concepts. Supermarkets are areas that serve the nearby assembly line with parts (Faccio et al., 2013). Supermarket could be seen as in-house cross...

Problems and Challenges related to Material Handling Systems

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Problems related to Buffer Levels Baudin (2004) mentions material handling’s dilemma between delivery performance to production lines and buffer levels on the shop floor, and states that it is challenging to attain an...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » QlikTech The interview with a representative from QlikTech as well as the survey point out a highlyVdiversified customer base. There is no concentration in terms of industry, size of the company or in...

Critical Elements of Buyer-Supplier Relationships

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Building Trust In order to know whether the participants have a similar understanding regarding the meaning of trust, we firstly told a definition of trust to the participants. All of them agreed upon...

Intangible assets in Swedish private sector accounting

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Stakeholder theory The recognition of assets in the balance sheet, and especially the recognition of intangible assets, is in some case difficult (Baboukardos et al., 2016). Whether the assets are recognized or not...

Cloud Computing Overview model

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Web Service Level Agreement In addition to a regular SLA, there are additional SLAs that deal with different kinds of services. One of these services are Web Service Level Agreement (WSLA) and to...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » ORGANISATIONAL TRANSFORMATION Transformation has become a corporate strategy for organisations coping with the turbulence that characterises today's environment. The need for transformation stems from this environmental turbulence and can render current organisational practices...