Mediterranean open habitat vegetation offers great potential for extensive green roof design

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Problem statement As highlighted in the previous section, GRs offer benefits and are in many aspects preferable to bitumen roofs in urban areas. However, the technique is relatively new and many questions still...

Problems with invasive species: Biofouling and potential harm to oysters and ecosystem disruption

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Environmental boundaries The niche of a new species is defined by several factors. Not only must the habitat fit the species regarding to physical attributes (substrate type and location, salinity, temperature, food availability),...

Phylogenetic development of accommodation

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Types of accommodation Heath (2014, 2015) proposes that at least six different types of accommodation can occur when considering multiple phonetic features interacting simultaneously: (a) convergence: increase of similarity regarding the speech of...

Hardware and software implementations of cryptographic algorithms: state of the art 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Smart Card Readers A Smart Card Reader reads the data o a SC. SC Readers are used as a communication device between the SC and a host, e.g. a Personal Computer link SC...

Epidemic simulation on temporal network data 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Network topology’s influence on epidemic processes When studying epidemic spread on static networks, it is of particular interest to under-stand how the topological structure of the network influences the course of the epidemic...

Static and Dynamic Sparse Bayesian Learning usingMean Field Variational Bayes 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Background on Beamforming in MaMIMO In this thesis, we use beamforming or precoding to represent the same concept. In short, they represent the usage of an antenna array to transmit one or more...

Interaction with the magnetic field: the magnetospheres

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Past and future scientific missions aiming at analysing low energy plasma A scientific satellite is a great opportunity for loading on board various instruments, each dedicated to a specific physical interest. Among all...

Consequences of brain refractive index mismatch for two-photon microscopy

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Astronomy uses direct wavefront measurement Several methods have been developed over the years to determine the aberrations present in an optical wavefront. For individual optical components such as lenses, one can analyze their...

Favorable Propagation Analysis and Multi-Stage Linear Detection 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Preliminary Mathematical Tools In this section, we introduce mathematical tools for analyzing the favorable propa-gation conditions in CF massive MIMO systems. Communication systems modeled by random channel matrices can be e ciently studied...

The SAMI Galaxy Survey: energy sources of the turbulent velocity dispersion in spatiallyresolved local star-forming galaxies 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The main sequence of star-forming galaxies The study of the present and past star formation in individual galaxies relies on detailed studies of the stellar populations within galaxies. Such studies are only feasible...