Contract between tool and verifier

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Model Checking Model Checking is a verification technique that is used to check that a model (of the system to be verified) complies with, or implements a, desired behavior. For computer programs, model...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » RESEARCH METHODOLOGY With a wide and a significant part of the objective based not only on an understanding of the topic but also on how surrounding coherent activities and components relate to the...

Catalog of Transactional Protocols Supporting Partial Replication 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Update Serializability (US) Update serializability, introduced by Garcia-Molina and Wiederhold [57], guarantees that update transactions are serialized with respect to other update transactions. Read-only transactions only need to take consistent snapshots, and always...

ARTICLE j Continuous sonication in a two-dimensional visuo-manual tracking task 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Principles and de nitions about sensorimotor learning In this section, we introduce learning theories, concepts and main results in sensorimotor control. We will expose basic concepts, that are widely used today, and sometimes...

Impact of non-systematic plug-in behavior on EV grid integration studies 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Technological Environment EVs will integrate a rapidly changing environment as new technologies break through. The smart grid paradigm is changing the operation of distribution networks, opening up the possibility of synergies between EVs...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Multi disciplinary Care ALS care is challenging because the disease is progressive and terminal, and there are, as yet, no treatments that reverse symptoms. Standardized multidisciplinary clinics were instituted in France in 2002,...

evaluation of the influence of environment-related cues

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Audio-Only Augmented Reality Definition The general context of AR encloses technologies linked to all sensory modalities and is not limited to a single one. AAR is considered as an outgrowth of the AR...

Human studies supporting a role of cytokines in neurodevelopment

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The essential role of cytokines during embryonic development Cytokines can have pro- or anti-inflammatory functions and be neuroprotective or destructive, depending on their timing of expression (age-related), level of expression (acute vs. chronic)...

Current hypervisor NUMA management

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The Factored Operating System The previously presented works make communication explicit by avoiding to use shared memory. Instead they maintain private state that can be synchronized with message passing. This message passing is...

Improving graph connectivity estimation with graph signal processing

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! »  Graph representation of brain connectivity networks To build a brain network, the first step consists in the identification of nodes and edges. The graph nodes are typically defined according to the specific neuro-imaging...