Service Discovery and Access in CarrierWi-Fi Networks 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Personalized and Seamless Access to Wi-Fi Services In this contribution, we present a solution to provide a personalized and seamless access to venue-based services offered through public Wi-Fi networks. Our objective is to...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » From Bibliometrics to Altmetrics Bibliometrics is the statistical analysis of books, journals, scientific articles and, authors. The term encompasses word frequency analysis, citation analysis, and counting the number of the articles of authors,...

Deterministic DAG Tasks Schedulability on a Multi-core Processor

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Estimation of Probabilistic Real-time Parameters The estimation of distributions of probabilistic parameters (pWCET, pWCCT) is tackled in the literature using different techniques. These techniques are divided mainly into two categories; Static Probabilistic Timing...

Heterogeneous Systems Virtual Prototyping Challenges

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Heterogeneous Systems Virtual Prototyping Challenges How does one simulate a heterogeneous system? The answer is not trivial. The heterogeneity aspect can be difficult to address due to the gap between the different disciplines...

Polynomial arithmetic in general cyclotomic rings

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Contexte historique et motivations Bien que déjà utilisée pendant l’Antiquité, la cryptologie – étymologiquement science du secret n’a justifié son statut de science que récemment grâce aux fondations théoriques posées par Shannon à...

Background to organizational development

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Method & Scope This chapter describes, motivates and critically analyses the research approach used in this study. A method of strategy development which gives a structure to how the work will progress is...

Security Protocols and Related Protocols

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Voice over IP Overview Voice over IP has become a very interesting research area within the telecommunications field during the last years, given its advantages regarding low call costs. This report examines its...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Supply, Demand and Labour Market Equilibrium The labour market has always been prone to uncertainty through different shocks. Immigration is one of these shocks that has affected the labour supply and demand, resulting...

Anonymization Methodology Based on Machine Learning 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Attacks on Rich Graphs The possible re-identification methods in a graph are as diversified as the complexity of the representation of a graph. According to the complexity of the dataset, data to be...

Collective cell migration, tissue dynamics, ngers and complex ow patterns

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Single cell architecture: the cytoskeleton The internal structure of an epithelial cell is comprised of a set of bers which attach together to form a scaold or cytoskeleton inside the cytoplasm that dynamically...