Performance Analysis of MISO Multi-hop Over Log-normal Channels 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Indoor wireless optical communications Indoor wireless optical communication can be classied into infrared and visible light communications (VLC). VLC has great attention nowadays due to its ability to communicate and illuminate simultaneously. White...

Compositionality between Heterogeneous Semantics based on MoC Classication

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Description of the concept of Embedded System The family of embedded systems is a variant of reactive systems given that they are governed by the same computing rules. However, a peculiarity of embedded...

Write disabling the Mc→v memory when a Min-Sum algorithm is used

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The turbo message passing schedule The turbo decoding messages passing introduced by Mansour [43, 42] is also known as shuffled iterative decoder [70], staggered decoding or gauss-seidel iteration. Turbo decoding applies a different...

Conguration management for the UDec architecture 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Recursive Systematic Convolutional encoders Convolutional codes have been widely used in wireless telecommunication standards due to their low complexity. The most common form of convolutional encoder is the non-recursive and non-systematic convolutional encoder...

Limits and Comparison among the Different Approaches of Sensor Networks Design

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » LIMITS AND COMPARISON AMONG THE DIFFERENT AP-PROACHES OF SENSOR NETWORKS DESIGN In order to select the proper approaches to design then implement a SN system, we discuss a comparison between the different approaches...

Exact approaches for lifetime maximization in connectivity constrained wireless multi-role sensor networks 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Overview of wireless sensors networks As previously mentioned, WSN are composed by a large numbers of sensors deployed to monitor an interesting phenomenon. Sensors are typically small electronic devices composed by the combination...

A Co-design Approach for Embedded System Modeling and Code Generation with UML and MARTE

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Advanced Systembuilder Advanced Systembuilder [11] is a framework for automated synthesis of H-MPSoCs developed by the universities of Nagoya and Ritsumeikan. The inputs of the tool are: a functional description of the system...

In vitro and in silico toxicity estimations

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Context and molecules The concept of contaminants of emerging concern Water management is one of the most pressing societal challenges of the 21st century. Clean water is essential for human life, agriculture, and...

NOMA Mutual SIC for Full-Duplex D2D Systems Underlaying Cellular Networks 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » On the Limits of Network Densification and the Cell Paradigm Shift The limit to how far network densification can go is not necessarily bound to be less or equal to the user deployment...

a phy-layer mtd: physical-layer resilience to insider attacks in iot networks 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Rationale and Resilience mtd rationale MTD acknowledges the fact that vulnerabilities are present in any system and that cyber attackers with enough time will, eventually, find and exploit them. MTD’s goal is to...