The Context of Teacher Education in South Africa

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Limitations of this Research Any social research, I would argue, has its limitations since the study of the human condition offers few absolutes and the study of teacher education is no exception. Labaree...

The capability of education in changing students’ attitudes and behaviour

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Teachers’ professional status It is important to note the observation made by Hargreaves (2003:4) that due to the multidimensional and ambiguous nature of teaching, it tends not to be a fully fledged profession...

Contibution of the main findings to literature and the body of knowledge

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Lack of financial management skills to perform their roles For effective running of schools, financial management is vital and it should be the duty of a person in a position of authority to...

An analysis of TRIPS and its patent provisions relative to access to medicines

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Standards of patentability Setting the proper standards of patentability is an additional TRIPS flexibility. Article 27 of TRIPS lays down the baseline standards of patentability. It provides that inventions are patentable if they...

The macro level education landscape: south african policy issues in context

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Dimensions of curriculum Schmidt et al. (1996) point out that a feature of IEA studies is that they recognise the need to consider educational outcomes in relation to educational inputs. IEA studies vary...

Proposed information service model for secondary level geography teachers in lesotho

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Demographic details of in-service teachers who participated in the study The data presented in this sub-section provide a brief outline of the main demographic details of the secondary level geography teachers who participated...

The implementation of mathematics reforms in the classroom: a review of the literature

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Norman's teaching environment East Rand High School (ERHS) is situated forty-five kilometers east of the Johannesburg city center. It is an urban school located in a predominantly Afrikaans speaking town that opened its...

Obe, the rncs and a whole-brain approach to student training in music education

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » RESEARCH PARADIGM FOR THIS STUDY In reaction to the modernist research paradigm which focuses on impartial and objective reason, I approached the study with a post-modernist view, placing a high premium on human...

Towards a conceptual framework for understanding the relationship between policy and practice

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Evidence from the Questionnaire (A1) Here I report on the Dinzi’s responses to the questionnaire (A1) on the match between her assessment practice and the assessment policy. Dinzi claimed that most of her...

Anticipated benefits and significance of the contribution

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » A chronological view of teaching and learning theories Behaviourists, such as Skinner and Tennant, assumed that behaviour was shaped and moulded according to measured and objective standards. Immediate feedback, which reinforced positive responses...