Pervaporation as an alternative process for solvent dehydration in dry cleaningmachines

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » A brief history of the dry cleaning The dry cleaning concept is not innovative. The first mentions of dry cleaning date back to the ancient period more than 2000 years ago. It was...

The Controlling Image of the Mammy 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Theoretical framework Ain’t I a Woman by Bell hooks examines the impact of sexism combined with racism on African American women. hooks writes that black women have excluded themselves from the feminist movement...

al-Shabaab’s Inception and Insurgency

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Theoretical Framework Fragile States According to Albertson and Moran the literature defining fragility of states has introduced many approaches investigating what makes a state fragile, from focusing on the consequences these states have...

Cervical spinal cord atrophy profile in adult SMN1-linked SMA

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Inhomogeneous magnetic field environment The spinal cord is surrounded by bones and cartilaginous disks. It is also close to the lungs, each containing air. These three elements each have a different magnetic susceptibility....

Plasma collection and preparation

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Epidemiology of HIV infection Since the last decade of last century, HIV/AIDS epidemic has become the greatest challenge in global health. Overall the number of HIV infected individuals has regularly increased. In 2012,...

Intelligent Glasses: a visuo-tactile ETA for the blind

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Design and Characterization of SMA Helical Springs This chapter presents the design, modeling and implementation of a NiTi SMA helical spring intented to be the active element of a miniature actuator for tactile...

Rudimental Decisional Autonomy & Mechanical Autonomy

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Classes of Artificial Agents & Ethical Design Concerns The Umwelt of an artificial agent, as we have just seen, provides the designer with a wealth of solutions to the design problems of an...

E↵ect of small versus large clusters of fish school on the yield of a purse-seine small pelagic fishery including a marine protected area 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Mathematical modelling of infectious disease Infectious diseases can be classified into two broad categories: those caused by viruses and bacteria are microparasitic diseases, and those due to worms are macroparasitic. In this section...

Ion and neutron irradiation effects in SiC and SiC fibers

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » SiC, SiC fibers and SiCf/SiCm composites SiC physico-chemical properties are interesting for nuclear applications. How-ever, its use as structural material is limited by its brittle nature, typical of ceramic materials. SiC-based composites, SiCf/SiCm,...

Multicellular architecture

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Epithelial cells and their functions To motivate the work done during this thesis, we will begin by introducing the biolog-ical system studied. In particular, in vitro cultures of epithelial cells were employed to...