Disposal Activity at Soluos Waste Disposal Site

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Waste and Waste Management Waste can be generally described as any item or material that is generated and disposed of or intended to be disposed of by a person that has custody of...

How to capture place brand equity? The case of Sud de France

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » How to capture place brand equity? The case of Sud de France Summary Within a globalised and highly competitive economy, the development of place brands has become important for cities, regions and countries....

Constitutive components of BR resistance: plant cuticle, a multi-component barrier 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Differentiation of Monilinia species By observation with naked eye, it is possible to identify the differences between the three agents of monilioses in fruit in orchard conditions (Mercier, 2009). M. fructigena has colour...

Hypothèses associées à l’utilisation des isotopes cosmogéniques terrestres 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The European Raw Material Initiative Raw materials supply in Europe EU has many raw material occurrences or deposits but their exploration and ex-traction faces accrued competition, a highly regulated environment and technological limitations...

State of the art of energy management for residential sector

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Background Energy Consumption and Renewable Energy Global Energy demand In the human history, energy become important for their activities in every day. Several time the energy in the world made transition from one...

The Globalization of Virtual Water Flows

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Water conflicts and cooperation up and down African rivers Esther Delbourg & Eric Strobl "Why go to war over water? For the price of one week’s fighting, you could build five desalination plants....

Lake surface temperature retrieval from Landsat-8 and retrospective analysis 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Hydrodynamic-ecological modeling of lakes and reservoirs Numerical models have been applied as an effective tool to understand physical, biological and chemical processes in surface freshwaters (Fenocchi et al., 2019; Leon et al., 2011;...

Metropolitan Municipalities Globally

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » THEORITICAL UNDERPINNING OF THE STUDY AND LITERATURE REVIEW INTRODUCTION This chapter consists of the reviewing of the literature of previous scholars, researchers and authors with respect to and emphasis on effective leadership, municipal...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » CHAPTER 2 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK  INTRODUCTION This chapter discusses the management of adult learners’ in-service training in agricultural institutions. These institutions mainly train adult learners. Adult learning in agricultural in-service institutions is currently prioritised...

Botswana’s Education Acts, Policies and their implementation units

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » CHAPTER 3 A REVIEW OF BOTSWANA’S EDUCATION POLICY DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES AND IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES Introduction The previous chapter covered the provision of education and its development on an international level with reference to Brazil,...