Préparation and characterization of transition métal silicides (-FeSi II)

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Computer Simulation

The widely used TRIM (transport of ions in matter) simulation program describes the path of an incident projectile as a series of binary collisions with target atoms at rest. Thermal vibrations of matrix atoms around their positions are neglected. The momentum transfer in a single projectile target collision occurs within a time frame much shorter than a period of lattice vibration at RT (10313-10312s). Thus, the atoms of the matrix can legitimately be assumed to be motionless at RT.
The target atoms are quasi-randomly distributed in space which applies in a first approximation to amorphous materials, even though a short range order does always occur in reality.
The path of the ion is characterized by a constant free path length, >which the projectile travels between two seccessive collisions. Here,  is given by the inverse cube root of the atomic density.

Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS)

Rutherford backscattering spectrometry combined with channeling is a powerful technique to determine composition, thickness and crystalline quality of thin films. RBS is based on the well known and pioneering experiments of Rutherford and his students Geiger and Marsden in 1911 in which they studied the scattering of highly energetic particles on a thin gold film. Their experiments led to a new model for the structure of the atom. Up to now, a slightly adapted version of their model is still valid. The aim of this part is to explain how the physical properties such as thickness, composition and crystalline quality can be deduced from the experimental data. An elaborate description on RBS and channeling can be found in [42, 43].

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RBS concept

As is shown in figure 2.1 (a), a well collimated high energy beam (in our case 1=7PhY ) of Kh+ ions impinges on the target. The backscattered Kh projectiles are collected in a surface barrier detector generating an electric signal proportional to the energy of the detected projectile[44]. The detector is coupled to a amplifier and an multi channel analyzer (MCA). Depending on the energy of the backscattered particle, the count will be placed in a certain channel when passing the MCA. In this way, a backscattered yield as a function of energy spectrum or an RBS spectrum is built up.

0.1 Introduction
1 Silicides and thin film formation
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Fe-Si system
1.3 Epitaxial silicide formation
1.3.1 Deposition techniques
1.3.2 Ion beam techniques
1.3.3 Ion beam mixing
1.3.4 Ion beam synthesis
1.3.5 Implanting at high doses
1.3.6 Ion Implantation Technology
1.4 Computer Simulation
1.4.1 TRIM
2 Microstructure of
2.1 Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS)
2.1.1 RBSconcept
2.2 RBSTheory
2.2.1 Kinematic factor and electron energy loss
2.2.2 Backscattering yield – Scattering cross section
2.3 X-ray diffraction
2.4 Bragg’slaw
2.5 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
2.5.1 Diffraction contrast
2.5.2 Phasecontrast
2.6 TEMspecimenpreparationbyion-milling
2.7 TEMspecimenpreparationbycleavage
2.8 Electron diffraction
2.9 Experimental details
2.10 Results and discussion
2.11 Conclusion
3 Optical characterization
3.1 The Raman Effect
3.2 Polarizability
3.3 Infrared (IR) transmission and absorption spectroscopies
3.4 Fourier Transform Infra Red
3.5 Experimental
3.6 Resultsanddiscussion
3.7 Conclusion
4 Structural and optical properties of phase prepared by IBS
I-Influence of implantation temperature
4.1 Experimental details
4.1.1 Results and discussion
4.1.2 Conclusion
II- Influence of dose
4.2 Experimental procedure
4.2.1 Results and discussion
4.2.2 Conclusion


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