Presentation of Nigerian Politics and History

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Elections in Nigeria

This chapter particularly deals with elections in Nigeria. I have chosen to compare the 1999 elections and the 2003 elections in terms of participation. The two elections are chosen to fulfill the purpose of this thesis which aimed at investigating the participation in the 1999 and the 2003 elections in Nigeria. The reason behind the careful and deliberate selection of the two elections is because each of the elections was done under different regime. To be specific, the 1999 elections were done under the military regime while the 2003 elections were organized under the civilian government.
To enable the readers to follow the sequence of the comparison of these elections, it is im-portant to know that elections in Nigeria are usually organized by an independent body, the electoral commission which could be established or reformed by the government in power. Its roles are very important and do determine the success of the electoral process.
During the preparation towards the 1999 elections which also marked the transition to de-mocracy in Nigeria, the Independent National Electoral Commission was established by Decree N0 17 of 1998 based on the laws of Nigeria by the military government. The com-mission comprises a chairman, who is the Chief National Electoral Commissioner and the Chief Executive of the Commission, and 12 other members known as National Electoral Commissioners. A branch office of the commission with a resident Electoral Commission-er is established in every state of the federation, including Abuja-the federal territory (Na-tional Electoral Commission decree, August 5, 1998).

Elections results.

The results of the 1999 elections and the 2003 elections conducted by the electoral com-mission are presented below. The source of the results is African Elections database: Elec-tions in Nigeria, June 5, 2007. The presentation of the results is done in the following se-quence: The results of the national assembly elections held on 20 February 1999; the results of the 1999 presidential election conducted on 27 February1999; the results of the national assembly conducted on 12 April 2003; the results of the presidential election conducted on 19 April 2003. These results of each elections mentioned above are presented on Table 01, Table 02, Table 03, and Table 04 respectively. Each table displays the names of the parties (though abbreviated) which participated in these elections. Number of votes, seats won, and percentages of votes are also shown on each table. Registered number of voters for the elections, total votes (voters’ turnout), total valid votes, and invalid/ blank votes are dis-played too. Below each table, the source of the results is shown, and a brief summary ex-plaining the result is included. This brief introduction to the analysis is made here to help readers understand the results of the elections at a glance without any difficulties.
On the 20 February 1999, election into the Nigerian national assembly was conducted. This was done to elect the representatives in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. The same number of voters was registered for the election into both chambers. The figure is displayed before the table 01.

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1.1 The research problem

1.2 Purpose of the study
1.3 Question:
1.4 Method
1.5 Limitations
1.6 Summary
2 Presentation of Nigerian Politics and History 
2.1 Civil Society in Nigeria
2.2 Religious Organisations
2.3 The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA)
2.4 The Nigerian Labour Congress
2.5 The Media .
2.7 Political Parties
2.8 Summary
3 Concepts
3.1 Democracy
3.2 Political Participation
3.3 Political Participation in liberal Democracy
3.4 Participation in authoritarian States
3.5 Elections
3.6 Summary
4 Model and sociological approac
4.1 The Party Identification Model .
4.2 The Sociological Approach .
4.3 Summary
5 Elections in Nigeria
5.1 Elections results.
5.2 Summary .
6 Analysis and discussion 
6.1 Comparison of elections results
6.2 The Concepts of Democracy, Political participation, and Election.
6.3 The Model and sociological approach in Nigerian politics? .
6.4 Summary
7 A Concluding summary

Participation in Nigerian Elections

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