Placement Sequencing and Feeder Assignment 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » CHAPTER II PROBLEM DESCRIPTION Problem Overview This thesis focuses on two of the areas of process optimization: determining the component placement sequence and the feeder assignment for a Chip Shooter type placement machine....


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! »  CONTEXTUALIZATION Introduction and rationale of the thesis Today Sekhukhune, Makhado, Ngungunhane, Malebogo, Makgoba and Mokopane are readily recalled as important figures of Limpopo Province‘s past history. They have become part of the province‘s...

Multiculturalism and Training Psychologists in the South African

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Introduction and Background to the Study The study aims to explore how multicultural therapeutic training in the profession of psychology in South Africa is constructed, particularly in relation to the dominant discourses in...

Entrepreneurship and Small Business

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » BACKGROUND Immigrants are widely perceived as being entrepreneurial and important to economic growth and innovation (Fairly & Lofstrom, 2013:1). Accordingly, many countries have established special visas and entry requirements to attract immigrant entrepreneurs...

Socio-cultural learning theory and the African traditional theory of education

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Organisation of cultural play song settings There were two settings in which cultural play songs were observed in the study; firstly in twenty pre-schools involving thirty teachers, and secondly in a setting outside...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The merger regulatory framework in Zimbabwe The Competition Act27 is the principal merger regulating statute in Zimbabwe. The Act provides for substantive and procedural aspects of merger regulation in addition to establishing and...

The Anglican Diocese of Harare Prior to the Decade

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Purpose of Study The purpose of this study is to explore the fortunes and vicissitudes of the Anglican Diocese of Harare from the year 2002 to the year 2012. This period can be...

Assessment of judicial appointment commissions

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE IN PERSPECTIVE Introduction An independent judiciary is a sine qua non of a democratic state.83 Indeed, the independence of the judiciary has grown to be seen as a fundamental element of...

appliance sales departments in prominent South African retail stores

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » THE RESEARCH IN PERSPECTIVE This chapter provides the background and justification for the study. It introduces the research problem as well as important and relevant conceptsthat were used to guide the study. INTRODUCTION...

principles of taxation

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Rationale Taxation is intrinsic to every business transaction today, since the tax consequences of every transaction need to be acknowledged and addressed. In response to this necessity, the six biggest international audit firms,...