The influence of lived experiences on current behaviour

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The impact of cultural influences Many countries around the world have diverse cultures within their citizenry. This has come about as a result of people that have emigrated from their countries to settle...

Bio-economics and the integrated pest management of Cosmopolites sordidus

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Sample collection and DNA extraction Banana weevils, identified as C. sordidus according to the key provided in Zimmerman (1968c), were collected from three geographical areas in South Africa during 2004, and also from...

Expected energy cost savings model with respect to time

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR EXPECTED POWER SAVINGS Energy efficiency projects in the residential sector are performed by humans, therefore quantifying the social impact through social communication will give the total expected power saving in...

Morphophonological differences between southern and northern ndebele

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Ziervogel 's view The second view, regarding the origin of the Northern Ndebele people, is the one held by Ziervogel (1959) who maintains that the Northern (Transvaal) Ndebele proper do not claim their...

Dynamics of leadership and management contributing to school effectiveness

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Human skills The purpose of the human management skills is to direct the actions of people and to establish sound interpersonal relationships through effective leadership, communication and motivation (Brown, 2004:112). Teachers who believe...

The state of the press: local and global context and critiques

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » A Note on Studying Race and the Limitations of the Research Some of the limitations of the research have been mentioned already in terms of sampling and the fact that I concede to...

Response of rose-scented geranim growth, essential oil yield and oil composition to a one-monthirrigationwitholding period

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » History of irrigation Irrigation could be explained as artificially supplying water to an agricultural/cropped land to avert crop failure due to shortage of natural precipitation (as supplementary) in semi-arid regions or to permit...

The impact of elephants on plant community variables of the Tembe Elephant Park

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Discussion We aimed to identify the influence of elephants for vegetation in an African savanna. To achieve this we searched for changes in sub-canopy vegetation with changes in canopy shapes induced by elephants....

Exploring the observed moral dilemmas of values education

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » English language English is the third language for most Kenyans and is the second official language of communication (Kiswahili is the national and first official language). During my interview sessions, curriculum developers claimed...

The impact of exposure to violence and milieu disability on the development of primary school children

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » BRONFENBRENNER’S BIOECOLOGICAL MODEL This section does not intend to provide an all-inclusive discussion of Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model but serves as a conceptual framework for investigating the risk, protection and resilience factors at the...